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Mitsuri and I sat and chatted as we ate, well mostly Mitsuri but that's fine cause I just listened

"So~ you gonna get married any time soon?" She asked and I shrugged

"Depends on how they feel, like maybe they don't want to get married now due to upper moons appearing more often" I tilted my head and though for a moment putting down my chopsticks

"I mean I wouldn't mind, Tengen would be stoked if I did though" Mitsuri nodded

"Could I be a flower girl? It would be fun to throw flowers at people" She said laughing and I chuckled before shaking my head

"Mitsuri, you can be what ever you desire"

"So your bride?" She asked before wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh

"When could you do that?" I asked and Mitsui looked at me

"Do what?"

"Come" I stood up and grabbed her hand before leading her to a mirror

"Do what you just did to me" I watch as her confused expression turned to a shocked on than to joyful one

"Oh my gosh! I didn't know I did that!" We both laugh


The next few days Mitsuri and I had trained and ate. Muichiro and Genya were hardly around and today Mitsuri and I decided to chill in the hot springs.

I tied my hair up into a messy bun and placed a towel on my head and sat in the water. The warm water relaxed my muscles making me almost tired

Mitsuri was sitting next to me and we chatted for a minute before hearing someone's echo. Mitsuri stood up and said someone had arrived

"Maybe we should go greet them than" I suggested as a joke but she pulled me out of the water and passed me a Yukata

"We should go!" I sigh and put the yukata on and watch as Mitsuri suddenly rushes out with her yukata half on at the top

I follow her only to see Genya, his face exploded with a shade or red and ignored Mitsuri making her upset and running

"Genya, could've said hi" I said and he shrugged

"Easy for you to say" I laugh and wave him off

"See you later, I'll just be calming Mitsuri down"

"Alright" Genya nodded and I pat his shoulder before walking down the stairs

"Tanjiro!!!" I heard Mitsuri exclaim

I watch as they both talked to each other and Mitsuri was complaining about Genya and how she was a Hashira

Before I could talk Tanjiro had told Mitsuri about dinner making her get up and skip up the stairs


"Y/n!!!" He turned to me and bowed

"Sorry, you frightened me" I laugh

"Sorry...so you coming for your sword? I heard from Master about it when I was talking with him"

"Yeah...my sword smith won't give it to me"

"Well, if you can't find him soon go and find a woman called Yuki, she'll gladly help you"

"Thanks, you really look out for everyone huh?"

"Well maybe not everyone" I said thinking of Shinobu and how I threw her and how I'm looking for my father to kill him

"Oh! I heard your blade broke too" I nod

"Yes, I changed the design too"

"You can do that?"

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