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Y/ns pov

I woke up around 11 am. I moved a bit and rolled over to be face to face with a sleeping jay. I smiled and gently shook him "hey, loveeee wake up" I whispered and he slowly opened his eyes. He smiled at me a bit "good morning, gorgeous" he pulled me closer, I laughed a bit before I sat up "we gotta get ready, remember my dad's gonna be here today" I smiled and kissed his forehead "alrighty" he smiled and sat up. I stood and quietly winced a bit "you okay?" Jay stood, I nodded "just a bit sore" I smiled "I wonder why" he smirked and handed me my dress "head to your dorm and get ready" he kissed my cheek "okay, love" I returned his kiss and slid my dress on before I grabbed my shoes and just carried them back to my dorm.

I yawned as I walked into my room to see kai and Carlos talking. When they noticed me they looked at me and grinned "soooo?" "What?" I dropped my shoes "what happened last night!?" Kai threw a pillow at me "I don't kiss and tell" I grinned before I winked at kai "oh!?" Kai yelled "shhh" I grabbed an outfit from my closet and walked into our bathroom.

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I yawned and thew my dress into a basket

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I yawned and thew my dress into a basket. "I'm gonna go see if my dad's here yet" kai nodded and I side glanced a Carlo before I grinned "don't get to freaky when I'm goneeeee" I closed the door only to hear kai yell "Y/NNN"

I picked up jay and we found fairy godmother and smiled "hey when is my dad gonna be here?" "In abouttt 5 seconds" "what wait?" Suddenly a limoo pulled up and my dad stepped out of it "dad!!" I ran and jumped on him "hey, little one" he laughed a bit hugging me back. I pulled away "oh my god, I literally love it here, dad! This is probably the best choice you let me make" I smiled "is that your boy toy?" He pointed at jay, I nodded and pulled jay over to us "hi, sir" jay smiled "hello, jay, no need to be formal. Just call me hades" jays smile grew "okay! Hades" he squeezed my hand and I giggled "we want you to meet our other friends" I grabbed my dad's hand and pulled him into the building "stay here, jay watch him for me, okay?" "Yes, ma'am" jay kissed my cheek and I ran to get the others.

Jays pov

"Soo, you treating her good?" Hades crossed his arms "yes, of course she's literally my everything" I smiled "good, if you weren't I would of ended up back in the under world" he smiled "kidding" he laughed a bit.

Y/ns pov

I ran back to my dad and jay, the others behind us. "Dad, this is Carlo" I pointed at each person as I said their names "Evie and" "mal" my dad spoke mals name "oh? You know her?" I looked at him confused "hello dad" mal crossed her arms "she's your sister" my dad crossed his arms, my eyes went wide "wait, what the fuck?"

          ~small time skip~

"I HAVE A SISTER?!?" I yelled at my dad "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME OR EVEN FUCKING INTRODUCED ME TO HER" he sighed "it's complicated" I rolled my eyes "is it just because her mom is maleficent?" He nodded "you are UNBELIEVABLE!" I huffed "YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME!" Jay peeked into the room "hey, fairy godmother needs to talk to y'all" "great, now I get another surprise" I huffed and left the room.


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