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    This year summer flew by, and, if I'm being completely honest, I don't feel ready for ninth grade. Not even a teensy weensy bit. Nonetheless, I plan to put my all in this year. When I turned fourteen on May third, I was just plain old scared. It's just too bad poetry is not my thing, unlike Carissa. Otherwise maybe I could at least improve my English Literature grades. Oh my. It would be a real blessing to actually make the Honor Roll, or even the High Honor Roll at NCH(New Caverns High).

      Anyway, today's my first day of high school and I'm determined to make the most of it, as well as not to make a fool of myself. After assembling my uniform and setting it on the edge of my bed, I gather my towel, rag, and head to the bathroom. I shower efficiently, then quickly dress. My older sister Lateisha, who was 21, had already left for work. She was a nail technician.

I did a thorough once-over in the mirror attached to the back of my bedroom door, after meticulously applying my make-up. That might actually be the one thing I was good at. If there was ever a perfect world for me, it would be one filled with eyeshadow and lip gloss and mascara and bronzer.  

"Mom, I need a ride! I'm heading out!" I called upstairs.

"Okay, sweetie, I'll be there in a sec!" she yelled in reply.

My mom was a stay-at home mom who worked as a teacher in Virtual School. My dad was an engineer, who worked outside the comfort of his own home. We all lived in Edwardsville, Illinois.

"Alright, dear, here we are." Mom pulled up to the parking lot of NCH, which was off to the side, to the left of the front steps.

"Thanks, Mom." I started bouncing my knee. It's just the first day of high school. It's just the first day of high school. It's just-

"Look, 'Nia, I know you're nervous, but there is really no need to be. You will be just fine." She smiled reassuringly at me.

I let out a shaky sigh. "You're right as always, Mom. I just, I really wanna fit in."

"Honey, there are a whole bunch of students who "fit in" - trust me, you'll be better off standing out and shining like the bright star you are than trying to be like everyone else."

"Hm." I pondered her words.

"Anyway, you better go now or you'll be late!" Mom made a shooing motion with her hands.

I laughed. "Yes, Mom... "

I got out of the vehicle, then walked up the front steps. I made my way to the administrative office to pick up my schedule for the year and get settled in. Then, I went to my homeroom class, which was 9C.

When I realized who was sitting in their assigned seat three rows behind me, I squealed.

"Care Bear!"

"Oh m g, 'Nia!!" My best friend of four years gathered me up in a huge hug.

"I can't believe we're in the same homeroom class!" She exclaimed gleefully.

"Me neither!" I giggled.

Just then, the teacher, Ms. Cornwall, walked in and proceeded to take attendance, so we took our seats.

School wasn't so bad thus far, but most of the day I was in deep thought. I know what my mom said, and she has a point, but I figured to do things my own way. I was just stubborn like that. My problem was, I only knew so many people. Carissa was one, and Noah, my cousin on my dad's side, was another, but that was about it. Everyone in my class already had their own friend groups sorted, but if I was going to fit in, it would be better to at least have a large friend group. Right? The only other option would be to become super popular, and that was practically impossible for someone like me. Not practically. It was impossible.

It wasn't until I heard the geography teacher, Mr. Dean, address me, that I realized I must have snorted out loud at that thought.

"Ms. Satchell," he seethed, "would you be so kind as to share with the class the source of your amusement? I am certain we are all very curious as to what it could possibly be."

A few boys snickered.

"It's nothing, sir." I looked down into my lap, my cheeks blazing.

"Very well, then. I trust it won't happen again. Now, as you can see... " He went back to the lesson, which I tuned out completely. Maybe this is why I have poor grades.

But my mind was racing with all the endless possibilities and plans and ways on how I would fit in. And it simply never stopped; not at lunch in the cafeteria with Carissa, not in the middle of my last class of the day, not at dinner with mom and dad, because Lateisha had a date, and not even during my nightly skincare routine before bed.  

Maybe it sounds obsessive to you, but I wasn't overthinking this. And even if I was, there was just reason. After all, I had been bullied constantly for the last three years, and it only just got slightly better handled when I met Care in the seventh grade after she transferred in at my middle school. She would stand up to the bullies and beat them back, since she had a belt in Tae Kwon Do. I don't remember which color, but last I know of is she was testing for her black belt, which is the highest. Lateisha was a big help in the beginning too, when I hadn't met Care yet. She insisted on driving me wherever I went and waiting on me so I could be properly monitored. She even wanted to go as far as meeting with my principal, but I was terrified and convinced her to teach me how to do my own makeup instead while I was in the sixth grade. She had been hesitant at first, not satisfied and also not wanting me to grow up so soon, but she eventually relented.

I yawned while reaching out to retrieve my sketch pad from my bedside table drawer, then a few writing utensils from my designated art pencil case. I may not necessarily be good at it, but sketching, drawing, and shading is one of my most beloved hobbies. Suddenly, the concept of a jigsaw puzzle crossed my mind. I could still sketch, draw and shade whatever image I felt like, but I could have the added texture of puzzle pieces. 

And so, I got to work. Shifting the sketch pad around to draw at different angles from time to time, until a certain proud satisfaction resonated deep within my chest. When I yawned until I couldn't yawn anymore, and I remembered that there was school tomorrow, I checked the time and saw that it was 10:38 P.M. I set all my tools aside, tucked my sketch pad back where it belongs, and shimmied underneath the covers. There was always another day to finish a new masterpiece, and Puzzle Piece would be no different(I name all my sketches, drawings, and shadings). 

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