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Me: Just landed :)) Miss you

Wilbur: Miss you more. </3 What am I supposed to do for the next month ??????

Me: Well you're gonna visit me right? Come to a couple of shows?

Wilbur: Of course darling. I can't wait. Wanna see the shirt I got for when I see you?

Me: Ofc!!!


Me: Omggg that shirt is super cute and so are you!! It's ridiculous how I miss you like hell already!

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Me: Omggg that shirt is super cute and so are you!! It's ridiculous how I miss you like hell already!

Wilbur: Don't worry, I'll see you sooner than you think, darling.

Me: I gotta go we're at the venue !!!!!! There are people lined up to see me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wilbur: And those lines will only get longer and longer. Go have fun baby :) I love you

Me: Love you!!

I shut my phone off and roll my window down, peeking at the waiting fans. One spots me and they suddenly all turn and look at me, breaking into screams. I laugh and wave and blow kisses towards them, insanely shocked. I couldn't believe it when the tour sold out in five minutes, but I figured someone who was rich and hated me bought all the tickets so no one would actually show up. But no, it's real. Very, very real.

I follow my team through the back of the venue and onto the stage. I could throw up from excitement as I look out on the floor, seeing the space that will soon be filled by hundreds of people, yelling along to my lyrics, to my pain.

I turn around as my brand new band walks out. My guitarist is a short, buff girl with blonde hair named Lindsey. My drummer is a tall, but not nearly as tall as Wilbur, tan guy with dark hair named Jacob. We all talk about the reason we got into music for a bit while my team sets up the sound equipment, and they both seem really nice. I hated that I couldn't bring Sofia or Wilbur on tour with me, so it's nice to know that I'll like these two. Wilbur couldn't come because Lovejoy is too busy recording their first EP. Sofia couldn't come because she works. We finally got her her own place last week, so she doesn't have to be stuck rooming with Wilbur at our place.

I'm given my in-ear monitors to start soundcheck. I pace the stage as we go through just a few songs, making sure all of our equipment is acting right. I don't have many visuals except for my logo projected onto the curtains behind us and a confetti cannon for the end of the show.

My stomach churns with nerves. I've played in front of a lot more people before thanks to Wilbur, but this is different. Sure, it's less people, but this time, they're all here for me. This time, everyone knows my lyrics and my name and my story.

We go into the green room once the doors are about the open. I'm given the outfit my stylist chose for tonight and change into it; an oversized football jersey and baggy jeans, pretty similar to my everyday outfits. I tie my hair into twin braids and do some light makeup, adding eyeliner unlike usual.

I sit on a couch and do my vocal exercises while Jacob and Lindsey warm up on their own. Eventually, I get on the floor and stretch my legs, preparing to jump around on stage. It would be way too embarrassing to break my ankle on my first show ever, so I make sure I'm completely able to do this.

The next hour and a half go by in a flash; possibly the best ninety minutes of my life. The crowd's energy was absolutely insane and nothing like I expected. Lots of people even had cute signs and threw flowers onto the stage for me. I hate when the last song ends, even doing an unplanned encore just to stay a bit longer.

I collapse on the couch in the green room, hanging my head upside down with my feet against the wall. "That was the best thing ever."

"Agreed." Jacob says, sitting next to Lindsey on the other couch.

We sit around and talk for awhile, indulging in the craziness we just experienced. Eventually, my team tells us we can leave now. We're led out the back, and I ask to stop since I recognize some fans waiting out front, but the team doesn't want to 'deal' with that. I'm disappointed, but I won't argue.

We arrive at our hotel, and I offer to Lindsey and Jacob to go grab dinner, but they both decline. I watch them go into the same hotel room, and it hits me that they're dating. I guess it makes sense with how they've interacted, I just figured they would've mentioned it.

And I'm completely alone again. My boyfriend and best friend are in New York, living their own lives. The people who I thought would be the ones keeping company are keeping to themselves, which I totally understand. I wouldn't want either of them interrupting my time with Wilbur.

I've gotten used to being surrounded by someone at all times. I got too spoiled by Wilbur, but I have to learn how to deal with it. Still, the second I lie down in my hotel room, I call him.

"Hey darling," He answers. "I was just about to call you. How'd you enjoy the show?"

"It was insane, Will. I can't believe it's my life now."

"Don't worry, you'll never get used to it." He lets out a sigh. "The traffic here is awful, baby. I couldn't get an Uber and had to walk all the way over here."

"Haven't you gotten used to New York traffic by now?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. What hotel room are you in?"

"Uhh," I pick my key up from my bedside table. "722."

"Ah, alright. Hey, let me call you back in a second, okay?"

I frown. "Okay. Love you,"

He clicks off before replying, which just makes me feel even sadder. The high I got from the show has completely disappeared, and I'm stuck staring at my phone, waiting for his call. A minute later, there's a knock on the door. I hop up, hoping it's Lindsey and Jacob changing their mind. I swing the door open and nearly scream as I see a beautiful, tall, British man standing there.

distant you // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now