Asami walked up to Korra who was unaware of her presence, placing her hand on the avatar's shoulder but Korra flinched back in surprise, stumbling over her feet and falling to the ground the ice shattering around them.

Asami bent down to her, trying to help her up but Korra shook her head, pushing Asami away, "Please just leave me alone, Asami."

Asami frowned, confused, "Why? I'm trying to help you, Korra. You're drunk."

"I know what I am!" Korra snapped, Asami jumped a little at the unexpected outburst, pulling her hands away from Korra standing and taking a few steps back to give her space.

Hurt flashed over Korra's face at the action and Asami sighed, feeling the effects of her drunken state at well.

"Korra just. . . why?"

"I was trying to protect you. He shouldn't have grabbed you like that, I just. . . lost control. And then the other guy hit me and I, I couldn't stop myself," Korra muttered with a shake of her head.

"I appreciate you protecting me, but Korra, that other man. . . you could have killed him," Asami said quietly trying to make Korra understand how serious this situation can become for her if they hadn't left when they did.

"You don't think I know that?" Korra asked, rubbing her jaw tenderly.

Once again Asami reached out to help Korra up, but she ignored her hand, standing on her own, filling a glass with water and drinking it in a few seconds, turning and walking right past Asami, upstairs. Asami followed closely, understanding Korra is upset but not knowing what to do about it.

Korra entered her room and Asami was about to follow, to try and talk this out with her, but Korra slammed the door shut and locked it. Asami closed her eyes with a sigh and walked into her room, slamming her door shut as well.

"I'm only trying to help her, to talk to her and what does she do? She locks me out," She whispered furiously to herself, undressing and stepping into the shower.

Korra stood in her shower as well, sad about the night. It all started so wonderful and exciting but of course, the avatar had to steal the show, get drunk, and cause a scene. She's a terrible girlfriend. She practically ditched Asami and almost killed someone while in the avatar state.

Not to mention Asami is scared of her now, she saw the way she backed away from her in the kitchen. The thought had tears forming in Korra's eyes.

"I can't believe she's scared of me," Korra whispered, frustrated with herself.

After her shower which helped sober her up a bit, Korra depressingly got dressed in her sleepwear and paced the room, not yet tired or ready to sleep. The more sober she became, the more anxious she was about everything that happened.

Asami probably hates her.

Korra slammed the door right in her face!

Korra realized this and plopped down on the floor at the end of her bed, pulling her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around herself leaning her head into her arms, breathing out shakily.

Asami is scared of her, she hates her, she's mad at her, and she'll probably ask her to leave.

Korra may as well get this over with, she needs to know for certain before coming to any rash conclusion. She got up and walked out of her room, heading down the hall to Asami's door, hesitating before lifting her hand and knocking softly.

No answer.

Korra bit her lip and tried again.

No answer.

Korra and AsamiWhere stories live. Discover now