Killing two birds at once

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Kats car was shown driving as Isabella's van was shown heading towards them when her tire exploded all of sudden as Kat screams turning her wheel as her car swerves throwing everyone around in her car as the van swevers out the way or they would have collided as the van pulls off the side of the road before getting back on the road.

Kats car makes a sharp turn into a field "oh shit!"kay screams as everyone holds on as her car runs straight through a wall of hay as he boy who was working on the hay jumps back with shock.

Kats car continues "Jesus Christ!"she screams as her car breaks through a wooden gate holding up cut up tree branches as one suddenly pierced through the driver's door over cats lap into the other side as they all scream as she makes another sharp turn.

Cecily looks up with a bleeding eyebrow her eyes widen."look out!"she screams as ahead on them wore a trailer of water pipes Kats turns her car hard as the wheels squeal as the back of her car smashed right into them throwing them forward the back windshield shattered as a small water pip whit a jagged edge shoots between the heads into kats seat luckily her head didn't get impaled as other windows shattered as the car was shown smoking.

Cecily groans holding her head as her head smacked against her window again."is everybody all right"Thomas asked as Kat slowly sits back up breathing heavily before jumping aside seeing a jagged end of a water pipe stabbed through the head piece of her seat as she was breathing heavily before looking down "oh my legs!"she says in shock.

Cecily hears heavily breathing beside her she turns to Eugene who was having trouble breathing before seeing him bleeding heavily "shit guys Eugene!"she says unbuckling her seat belt as she and the others rush out the car and getting Eugene out before they were shown laying him on the ground with something under her head.

The officer looks in the one of his rearview mirrors of the smoking car as he goes to unbuckle his seat belt as Isabella stops him"please the baby can't wait"she says Breathing hard.

"I gotta go help those people "he says.

"Do you wanna deliver this baby "she asked just before a car passed as they stop"those people can help let's go "Isabella says as the officer grabs his walkie talkie informing other officers of a crash on the railing he was on "we have to go now!"she says screaming in pain before he drives off quickly.

"Your gonna be okay Eugene"Cecily says holding his hand as he squeezes tight in pain as he gasping not being able to breathe "I think he has a collapsed lung"Kimberly says.

"Everyone okay!"a male calls out to them as clear looks up "call an ambulance!"she calls back they needed to get Eugene help and fast just as three man who work on the field run up to the bobwire fence as one pulls out a phone while the other two carefully climb through so they can help.

Kimberly takes off Eugene's glasses putting them in her pocket as Kat who was stuck in her car do to the tree branch she sees a boy who wore a hat with he wore a black shirt and a long grey sleeve shirt underneath with jeans and tennis shoes with working gloves"hey hey you hey! Come her and help me out"she says breathing hard before he jogs over.

"Come on you got to get me out of here before it explodes"kat says scared before the boy kneels down looking under hear car but didn't see any gasoline leaking as he stands back up"I think it's okay I don't smell any gasoline and nothings dripping"he says.

She nods her head"okay get this thing off me"she says panting as he nods his head before getting a grip before trying to pull before kat shouts in pay then smacking him in the shoulder"Jesus Christ I gotta use my legs when I'm done "she says breathing heavily as sirens were heard approaching.

"I'm sorry... Dad!"he says to her before calling out to his dad just as a blue cop car pulls up into the field. Soon Eugene was being loaded up into an ambulance "Eugene everything's going to be okay I'm going to be right there with you we're going to get you to the hospital be careful with that"clear says as she says the last part to the medics as they load Eugene into the ambulance "alright check the gages on the reclculator and watch out for overdoses, and look out for potholes and puddles "she informed them as she goes to get into the amber.

The medic stops her"sorry you can't come in miss"he says before closing the doors of the ambulance "and watch out for power lines!"she says as the sirens blare as the ambulance drives off.

Cecily sighs as she rubs her arms glad that they got Eugene help. A news van soon pulls up into the field as the boy from before wasn't looking as it heads straight for him"watch it"Rory says tackling him out the way as they fall to the ground as the van drives past them.

Rory then pulls the kid back up to his feet "you trying to get your self killed little boy you gotta use your head man"he asked breathing hard before walking away.

An officer was showing telling the new van to back up some a bunch of stone rocks were shown as one was pointing up as the news van backs up into it putting a hole in the gas tank as gass leaks heavily before the new people get our the van as they were getting ready to do a segment on what has happened.

Under the news van as gasoline was leaking heavily as it splashes against the stone rocks before it was shown leaking in a small steady stream down a sheet of metal into an open pipe as it traveled.

"How she doing"Rory asked.

"I think she's gonna be okay"Kimberly says as some fireman were shown helping kat. Cecily leans against the cop car with Kimberly and clear when Thomas jogs over"guys Isabellas at lake hospital they're prepping her for delivery we got to go now"he says.

"What about cat"Kimberly asked.

"I'll go talk to her"clear says walking over to kat who was leaning against her steering wheel smoking a cigarette "hey...just find Isabella and get this over with ok go ill be fine "kat says with a small smile.

The stream of gasoline was shown still traveling through the open pipe as Thomas looks around"where's Rory "he asked as Cecily felt that bad feeling again as chills went down her back. A fireman revs up the jaws of life tool as he hits it hard against the car making kat jump "could you be a little quieter with that thing please"she asked.

"Yeah sure I'll just put it on quite mode"fireman says with a sarcastic smile as Kat gives him one back before reaching for something just as he slams the tool against the car again accidentally setting off the air bag in the steering wheel slamming her head into the jagged end of the edge as blood splatters.

The fireman stands there as he watches the airbag slowly deflated shown kat with the end of the pipe stand through her head as some of her brain matter was in the pipe as blood ran down her face and all over the back head rest of her seat.

"Oh God"Cecily says before her eyes widen as she looks for Rory "guys we need to find Rory now"she says as there eyes widen realizing he's next. Kats hand falls limply out her window as the cigarette falls from her bloody hand onto the ground before a gentle wind blows it across the field to the open pipe with gasoline as it falls in making it alite with flames as the flames travel all the way back.

Thomas sees Rory as he walks towards him"Rory"he calls out as Rory turns from sniffing in his drugs before a cracking was heard as Thomas looks up just as a large tree branch falls making him duck out the way as the flames reach the news van making it explode as a piece section of the bobwire fence it was by flys through the air basically slicing Rory in different parts of his body as he stands there for a moment as blood leaks out his mouth before he literally falls apart as his intestines and organs fall all over the place with a splash of blood.

"We need to get to the hospital now death is working fast he just knocked out two birds with one stone come on"Cecily says as four of them rush to a man who works on this field "we have to get to the hospital"Kimberly says breathing heavily before he let's them take his car before they rush to the car getting in as they drive off.

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