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"Hungry?" He says sarcastically.

"Yep" I reply, my face burning red with embarrassment.

"You're  cute when you blush" he giggles as I blush even more.

Just then, we both went to have some milkshake and bumped heads, causing Walker to immediately put his warm hand on my forehead and ask if I'm ok.

"I'm fine, really. Are you ok?" I ask back.

"Yeah, it's probably just gonna give us matching bruises"

I smile and look down as i finish the rest of my burger.


As Gladis came back and picked up our empty plates, Walker suddenly grabbed my hands and held them tightly.

"You're freezing. Why didn't you bring gloves?"

"Well I'm sorry I don't have surprisingly warm hands all the time" I say back, persassily (if yk yk 🤭).

Then Gladis leans towards me and whispers "cute boyfriend" and gets back to picking up my plate.

Walked, overhearing, and I started to say otherwise and Gladis just smiled back and said "sure".


As we were walking back to the hotel, Walker stopped.

"What are you doing" I ask, annoyed of his antics.

"What that lady said back there..."

"Well Gladis is probably just some weird old lady who doesn't have any business hersel-"

I'm cut off by Walker stepping forward and putting a hand on my waist, the other tucking some hair behind my cold ear.

"You do look beautiful tonight." He shows me one of his famous boyish grins and I stare back.

Suddenly, our lips are forcefully pushed together like puzzle pieces. It was quickish, but magical whilst it lasted.

"Thanks" I awkwardly say back as he smiles and looks down at me, grabbing my hand.

"I'll hold this hand just incase it gets too cold." He says back to me.


WALKER SCOBELL SHORT STORIES☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum