American Poison

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Vivian: Omg finally the flowers are here

Nan: Here you go, Viv.

She said walking toward me to give me the box of flowers. Ι look at the flowers in my lap. Sighing, I walked into the room where Conchita was.

The whole world knew that my best friend's was a love story. A whirlwind romance with a handsome English lord can only be followed by a huge society wedding, to make entirely certain anyone not envious of Conchita yet, soon would be. But nobody's jealous of a bride whose groom has failed to show.

Nan: Anything yet?

Conchita: Nothing. And downstairs? 

Nan: Well, the guests have barely noticed. She said with a sad look only to hear Conchita groan. 

Conchita: But today was supposed to be... 

Vivian: Conchie, he will come. 

Conchita: The most beautiful day... And the whole world is here. Gosh, I hate him. You have no idea how much I loathe him. God. Of course, I love him. I know I love him. I love him. I just... I should have known. Last night he just seemed so much further away. She said still looking at the window

Vivian: Richard's never further away than just right here. I said hitting her head slightly.

 Conchita: Oh, Viv.

 Conchita: I should have told him, shouldn't I? But I don't want him to marry me because he has to, I want him to marry me because he adores me. 

Vivian: Yes. I said while holding her hand in mine.

Conchita: I'm ruined. She said leaving alone to look out the window.

Vivian: What if we just started putting on the dress, and then he'll get here any second...

 Conchita: No, Viv. I just don't know. She to told me. Then I heard a gasp.


Conchita: No my earring just fell on the road. She said to me chuckling while the three of us were looking at the road where the earring had fallen.

Conchita: What are we going to do? 

Nan: I'm going to go get it.

Vivian: No, Nan, you idiot. What are you doing? 

Conchita:  Stop. What are you doing? Nan, you're insane. She said to Nan while she was climbing down from the window to get the earring.

Nan: I'll get it.

Vivian: Be careful pleaseee.

Nan: I got it! I got it! 

Conchita,Vivian: Yes! Yes, Nan! We were both screaming with excitement

Jinny: Nan, you look an absolute fright.

Time skip at the wedding reception

Mrs. Paramore: Oh Lady Vanderbilt how is your husband dear?

Sally: My husband is on a work trip in Scotland. My mother said with a big smile.

Mrs. Paramore: On a trip again? Well dear it's hard to be the richest man in America.

She said to my mom while at the same time looking at me critically as if she wanted to say something. But before she could open her mouth Nan's mother greeted her warmly. I must remember to thank this woman for saving me from Mrs. Paramore's clutches.

 Nan's mother: Oh, Mrs. Paramore. We were hoping to catch you in regards to invitations to the Assembly Ball. I'm Mrs. St. George, Mrs. Paramore. And this is my Jinny. One of the bridesmaids. And my Lizzy. 

Mrs. Paramore: Oh, yes. St. George. The family from Saratoga.  

Nan's mother: We live in the city now. My husband did awful well at the stock...

Mrs. Paramore: Good for him. Good for all of you.

Sally: don't worry we won't go either

Richard: Mrs. St. George, Lady Vanderbilt I'm afraid you can't attend a New York ball of any kind this season. 

Nan's mother: Well, I see no reason, now the... 

Richard: My mother... Lady Brightlingsea. 

Mrs. Paramore: Why, yes, of course. 

 Richard: Yes. My mother, um, she insists that I invite you and your daughters, Conchita's bridesmaids, to London. 

Sally: London?

Nan's mom: London, London? England? she said and I look Nan in disbelief.

Miss Testvalley: There was talk, Mrs. Paramore, that for certain girls of refinement, New York has become too limited. 

Nan's mother:Very limited, I quite agree. 

Sally: Yes, I quite agree too.

Miss Testvalley: And there's an urgency...

Richard: The start of the season. 

Miss Testvalley: In order that Jinny , Vivian the other debutantes may be presented at the Debutante's Ball. 

Richard: To the Queen. 

Nan's mother: The Queen. Well, that is very kind of Lady Brightlingsea. Oh, and Mrs. Paramore, next season when Jinny returns, if she returns... .. she may be persuaded to drop in on your little Assembly Ball.

Sally: Did you see her face? she said and they both started to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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