Asami stood upright, turning Korra to face her, an angry look on her face which surprised Korra, "Don't ever say that again." 


"No one is better off without you, especially not me. You were gone for years and I missed you more than you'll ever know. Even when you weren't here, we were still in danger, still fighting, and still dealing with enemies. You had nothing to do with that." Asami was gripping Korra's arms desperately like her life depended on it. 


"Korra, please, don't leave again," Asami whispered, searching Korra's eyes for any indication she may pick up and abandon her. She can't lose her again, she just can't. 

Korra wasn't planning on leaving Asami. It wasn't until this moment that Korra realized exactly how much she meant to Asami, how much she loved her too. 

"I won't leave," Korra promised, taking Asami's hands off her arms so she can hold them, "You're right, I shouldn't have said that. Again, I'm sorry for how long I was gone." 

Korra looked down in shame but Asami shook her head, "I told you before, you have nothing to apologize for." 

"I know, but I'm still sorry and I still feel guilty. I should have let you come when you asked." She admitted. 

Asami was surprised at the confession, remembering that day. 

"I was so weak and embarrassed, I didn't want you to see me like that. So. . . vulnerable." 

Asami gave a small smile, "Korra, that's what relationships are. Being able to trust one another and be vulnerable. To pick each other up when the other falls, and when we are at our lowest." 

"But I'm the avatar-"

"That doesn't mean you are not human. I will always be here for you, no matter what. Even if you try to push me away or say you don't need or want my help, I'll still be here, trying to do what I can to make sure you're okay." 

Asami cupped Korra's face gently, "I love you." 

Korra blushed, smiling at her girlfriend, "I love you too." 


Once the airship landed back at Republic City, Korra, and Asami walked hand in hand off the aircraft, Naga at Korra's side holding all of her belongings on her back. 

"Where are you staying again?" Asami asked, concerned about Korra's living arrangements. 

Korra shrugged, "Naga and I will find a place." 

Asami clenched her jaw, looking away. Korra's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What is it?" 

Asami looked back at her with pink cheeks, "I just don't understand why you wouldn't want to stay with me." 

Korra was surprised, "Oh! I didn't- I-I mean, I didn't want to assume, or intrude or- I mean, you know. . ." 

Asami smirked, stepping up to the avatar with their faces a mere inch apart, "Korra, you're my girlfriend, but before that, you were my best friend. Of course, I want you to stay with me. I was hoping you would." 

Korra's heart was beating so fast she was sure Asami could hear it. It's not that she didn't want to stay with her, it's just, Asami is her girlfriend, her very gorgeous girlfriend who makes her so nervous and so happy. Living together might mess things up, or get weird and the last thing Korra wants is to make things uncomfortable between them. 

Korra took a step back, clearing her throat, knowing space will help her think straight when it comes to Asami, "I mean if you're okay with it. I don't want you to be uncomfortable or feel as if I'm taking advantage since you know, you have a mansion. . . "

Asami gave Korra a deadpan look, a look that clearly meant, stop talking. 

Korra stopped talking. 

"You're staying with me," Asami told her, no, demanded

All Korra can do was blush, and give a small nod watching Asami walk in front of her not being able to control her eyes from staring at her body while she walked away. 

"Naga, Asami is bossy huh?" Korra smiled, Naga licking her hand in response. 

Korra was still worried about so much, especially Asami's safety, but surprisingly what was worrying her more at the moment was living under the same roof as her. Asami is her girlfriend and she loves her, but she also makes Korra nervous, shy, and scared all at once which aren't emotions the avatar deals with very well. 

She just hopes she doesn't screw it up. 


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