The Recruitment.

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"We need fresh minds and strong bodies, you can take a lot of physical punishment out there on the streets. That sounds to me like your ideal." Said the officer

Max would have to wait a few days to see if she had passed the interview. It was a much more excellent experience than when she attended the police department.

Max heard her mobile phone buzz. Currently, it was in Rob's draw. And that is where it had been since the shooting. Max didn't want to look at the sponsorship offers or media requests. There was enough bad floating around without her speaking to anyone. They seemed to make up their minds about things without speaking to people. She went to the draw, not to look at the messages but photos, selfies she had taken with Lassie. She missed him so much.

A few days passed, and Max's routine hadn't changed much. Eddie at the hardware store had told Max to take as long as she wanted. Laying on her bed watching mindless TV and channel hopping, she flicked past a channel and immediately returned to it. It was Lassie. He was being interviewed; she didn't know where, and it certainly wasn't his gym, but Scott Barry was also present. Max scrambled to press record so she could keep the clip forever. Lassie was talking about his training techniques and dedication. Then something freaked her out. Lassie did a piece to the camera.

"You know you have to carry on. Don't stop whatever the setback, Max..." Max looked like she had seen a ghost. How could Lassie be speaking to her from 20 years ago?

She rewound the clip,

"Don't stop whatever the setback, max...effort is always required if you want to be a champion," said Lassie in the clip.

Max's heart was beating so fast that even if it wasn't Lassie speaking directly to her, she knew he was. This was her catalyst. Her blue touchpaper.

Max finished her last physio appointment and was told she could train light-Max never trained light. And then, in a couple of weeks, she could build things up. She'd be just in time for the police fitness test, which was her goal. Max's mobile rang, it was Rob.

"Max, can you come down to Lassie's gym" requested Rob

"Why?" asked Max

"It's too long to explain on the phone. Just get her in the next twenty minutes"said Rob; he sounded excited.

Max changed and made her way to Lassies. When she arrived, Rob was standing at the front with some guy she didn't know dressed in a suit and had an expensive new car.

"Max, this is Cliff Jones. He is a lawyer." Cliff extended his hand.

"Okay, what's this all about?" Max asked.

Cliff opened his suitcase and took out some paperwork.

"Lassie left the gym to you," said Rob excitedly. His excitement was probably misplaced as Max was still grieving, but he couldn't hide his excitement for Max.

"I don't want it," said Max.

"What? Erm Max? "Rob was confused

The lawyer explained that Lassie had left the gym to Max in full as he had no family. It was worth nothing as a business, but if she sold to a developer, Max could get around seven hundred and fifty thousand due to the prime site and those keen to redevelop Greenfields. Max knew as a gym, it wouldn't work, even with her using the new All-Star winner status. The gym goers wanted the flash and the selfies, the pretend workouts, an Insta gym. Besides, Max was going to go into law enforcement-well that was her plan.

"Sell it! I'll take what I want from the inside and sell it to the highest bidder." Said Max

"If that's your wish, Max, I'll draw up some paperwork, and once you sign it, we will go to market." said the suit.

Project Xx-Max.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora