Extras fifteen~ Ryusei Shidou

Start from the beginning

"Oh? Is the president that desperate?" I heard a voice from behind

Rin and I turned around, Rin with a frown while I had a smile on

I stood infront of the guy called 'Ryusei Shidou' so called the smart troublemaker at the school

"Cant you make my job easier by keeping your hands to yourself?"

"Darling~ it doesnt work like that." Shidou walked closer to us

"Dont you dare touch her you cockroach." Rin got infront of me protectively

"What Underlashes Jr? I have business with her, not you."

"Her business is my business too, cockroach."

They both were at eachothers throats

Damn did this look gay as fuck.

"Rin rin calm it down. He's my business and my business only." I put my hand on Rin's shoulder


"Do I need to repeat myself?" My grip tightenned on Rin's shoulder

"No." Rin backed away from Shidou who was smirking at his victory

"Good. I'll leave the paperwork for you."

"Yes maam."

I let go of Rin and turned to Shidou. Rin already left the scene

"So youre the student council president everyone fawns over?" He had a stupidly wide smirk on his face

"So youre the academically smart but gets into fights troublemaker?" I crossed my arms and looked at him up and down

"Thats right~ Whatcha think?" He had his hands on his hips now


"Hah? Really? You havent seen me fighting so-"

"I dont need to see you fight to know that youre stupid." I cut him off

"Heeh? Why do you think so, doll?"

"Do you have a reason on why you pick fights with everyone?"

"Well~ I love making them explode and myself too."

He looked insane.. he needs help.

"Lame." I scoffed

Suddenly, I notice that his eyes lit up and he licked his lips

Looks like something has came to that man's small ass brain.

"One week to shape me into a better student eh~?" Shidou was now circling around me like a shark

"Yes. I have high expectations set upon me." I nodded

"Well, what if I do not become a better student by the end of the week?"

"Wont happen. Impossibly impossible."

"Hah~ but I know about all of your student council activities.."

Now that shit dropped my mood. How did he know?

"What.. activities..?"

"Lets talk about that Underlashes Jr. An annoying, ruthless vice president.. can forcefully get the information he needs by his words or blackmailing."

Dual-Ego~☆ BLLKWhere stories live. Discover now