Welcome Home Dinner

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Jackie's POV
Katherine texted saying that she was on her way back to the hospital.

"So Cole, u have to rest ur leg so that it gets better faster." The doc said. "But will I still be able to drive these next few weeks?" Cole asked the doc. "Well since it is ur left foot, I suppose that u can drive since u use ur right foot." The doc said. "Thanks." Cole said as Katherine walked in. "Now ur good to go!" The doc said. "And we will assist to ur car." The doc continued.

So Cole was put onto a wheelchair as we headed out of the hospital and was given crutches as well. We got into the car and the nurses took the wheelchair back since we didn't need it.

We got back to the ranch and everyone came running outside to see Cole and helped him out of the car and helped him inside as well. Katherine and I followed them in but before we walked in she said, "thank you so much Jackie for staying at the hospital constantly with Cole these past few days." She hugged me. "My pleasure Katherine, plus I'd do anything for the Walter's especially my BF." I told her happily.

We went inside and everyone was super happy to have Cole back in the house. They all helped him to his seat which is super sweet. As I was about to go into the kitchen to help Katherine she said, "honey u go sit down next to Cole, the rest of us will get the food out while u two relax." She told me as she smiled at me and I nodded and went to sit next to Cole.

"How r u feeling?" I asked him. "I feel much more better than how my leg felt before." Cole said as he put his arm around me. "That's good to hear baby!" I told him as we both smiled at each other.

The food was already set out and Alex stood up. "Guys I have an announcement to make, this will also be my last dinner with you all because I'm leaving tomorrow for my two month horseback training. I'm sad that I cannot be at the Grand Opening Day for the business but I'll be there in spirit. Also, I'm super happy for u, Cole because u got ur dream girl, and u got ur leg back for football and I also can't wait to see u rocking that team!" Alex said which we all smiled at and were super happy that Cole and Alex were back in good terms. "Thank u bro and I'm happy for u because u r gonna be the best horseback rider this town has ever gotten!" Cole said which my face grew much more happier.

"Oh and I'd like to make a speech too!" I said as I got up happily. "I just wanna say thank u, thank u for taking me in and thank u for being my second family. U all made me the happiest person I can ever be especially through rough times. Thank u for taking me in and also I'm very excited for this next chapter in life so cheers everyone!" I said happily as we all did cheers.

Everyone was just super happy and the food is amazing as it is always. We all had a great time and it was an amazing night. Everyone helped Cole up to his room. Alex was packing up for his training and I could tell he was upset. "Everything ok?" I asked as I was by Alex's door. "Yea just packing...and no Kiley is my ex." He said and I was in shock. "Wait when did this happen?!" I asked confused. "Well I asked her and that night I broke up with her cause I forgot about this training thing and we will be together but now isn't the right time yet." Alex told me as he was packing. "Understandable, well I won't bother u as u r packing so I'll see u in the morning." I told him as he nodded and agreed with me. I went over to Cole's room.

"Hey baby, how r u?" I asked him as I laid right next to him on his bed. "Doing better New York." He said as he smiled at me. "U look beautiful New York." He told me with a smile on his face. "Really, because I look like I just woke up." I told him. "I always look beautiful New York." He told me as he kissed me lips and I kissed back. "I can't wait to be at ur games cheering u on!" I told him as we both smiled. "And I can't wait to cheer u on at ur games as well." Cole said happily. We slowly leaned in together and kissed and that kiss was super passionate. It's like the one we did in the barn that night but ofc we are in bed laying down.

The alarm went off and Cole and I were sleeping together and I quickly snuck off to my room and we both changed quickly and yet again Cole was waiting for me outside of my room. I opened the door and we both went down the stairs and I held Cole's right hand as he held onto the staircase with his left hand and we slowly came downstairs and everyone was down there having breakfast including Will and Hayley.

"Guys hurry up we have to leave in 20min to take Alex." Katherine said as Cole and I quickly ate and it was time. We all said our goodbyes to Alex and hugged him and then we did a Walter fam group hug before Katherine and George took him to the area he is supposed to meet with his training camp ppl.

As they left we all went inside and cleaned up and tomorrow was going to be the grand opening day for the business. So we just made sure everything was set up for tomorrow while Will was here with us today and so far everything is going good.

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