Chapter one

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I ran through the many rows of prophecy's, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley Infront of me and my sister beside me holding Neville Longbottoms hand
Harry was holding the prophecy.

Then thud

I helped my sister up,

"Are you alright Luna?" I asked as I pulled her up

"I'm fine, are you rosy?" She asked in her soft voice.

"I'm sane." I giggled pulling her into a hug.

"The voice... Can you tell what they're saying " Harry asked

"There aren't any voice, harry. Let's get out of here" Hermione said as Harry Walked towards a mirror where multiple voices were coming from

"I hear them to.."Luna added

"Me too" I added.

"Harry... it's just a empty archway, please Harry." Hermione Sighed

"Get behind me." Harry demanding as all of us Complied stepping behind him taking out our wands as black smoke surrounded us all separating us until all of us except harry were being held by Death eaters

A menacing chuckle came from Malfoy's father or should I say Barbie or perhaps Elsa.

"Did you actually believe, or are you just naive enough to think That children stood a chance against us?" Lucius spoke coldly his cane clinking again the ground as he walked around Harry, looking at Bellatrix who was holding me by my hair, as I glared at him.

"I'll make this simple..if you pardon." He said turning to face Harry with his hand out.

"Give Me the prophecy, Now. Or watch your friends die." He spoke I'm the same cold tone


arry looked around, starting with Ron, then Hermione, then Neville them Luna and Ginny then me

"Don't You Dare Harry!" I hissed

"Shh!" Bellatrix hissed digging her wand into my neck

Harry took another look around before, raising the prophecy to put it in Malfoys hand, Mr Malfoy immediately clasped his fingers around the blue globe.

But just as Mr Malfoy thought he'd won white smoke clouded.

Sirius stepped behind Mr malfoy, making his smirk fade as he turned around.

"Get away from my god son." Sirius spoke in a deadly calm tone before socking Malfoy right across the face making him fall over, dropping the prophecy as it shattered into pieces.

Then the white smoke being the order flew around us taking the death eaters with them.

Bellatrix snarled before she Turned into the black smoke Apperating around the room, as a massive fight broke out, between the order and the death eaters.

"Rose!" Nymphadora called as she drug me behind the large rock making me dodge a curse by a inch, as Remus did the same with Luna and Ginny

"Now listen to me, I want you to take the others and get out of here." Sirius said calmly to harry

"What? No! I'm staying with you." Harry Snapped

"You've done beautifully, Now let me take it from here.." Sirius replied calmly in return, before Malfoy landed and started sending spell's their way, Sirius countered every one that was set flying towards Harry luckily.

Harry and Sirius started sending spell's towards Mr Malfoy and another death eaters, blocking everyone one sent at them.

"Expelliarmus!" He casted at Mr malfoy.

"Nice one James!"Sirius called as he casted another spell, Making Malfoys wand spiral out of his hand and fly backwards with another spell

"AVADA KADAVARA!" Bellatrix Shouted from across the room, hitting Sirius immediately.

"No" I heard Remus whisper as Sirius was pulled into the archway, before he ran to harry hold him back

"No! No!"harry screamed as I ran towards a death eater behind Remus and him.

"Avada Kadavara!" I snapped as it immediately hit the death eater making him drop dead on stop, as Tonks, remus, Kingsley, moody, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna and Ron look at me.

"No!" Bellatrix hissed as her husband dropped dead

"You little Brat!" She Snapped storming over at me

"Get away from our God daughter!" Nymphadora Snapped as she and Remus stopped Infront of me.

"Aw.. if it isn't my sweet little niece." Bellatrix mocked.

"And her good for nothing husband.." she faked a pout

"You're such a bitch!" I snapped pushing remus and tonks out of my way softly.

"Thank you." Bellatrix Smirked grabbing my arm before black smoke clouded the room.

"ROSE!" Tonks and Remus yelled as I as apperated away.

When we landed I was in a dinning room

"Well...did you get it?" The noseless bastard that was Voldemort hissed

"No...M-My lord the boy broke it." Malfoy stuttered

"You let him get away!" Voldemort yelled

"My lord.." Bellatrix interrupted Malfoy's explanation

"We've got the girl" She smirked holding me by my hair.

"It seem's you did." He smirked

"This little Brat Killed one of you death eaters." She hissed jerking my hair more making me hiss, glaring more at the Woman and the noseless bastard Infront of me

"Is that true, dear one?" He asked stepping closer.

"Yes." I hissed


"The crazy bitches Husband."

"The Crazy bitches!" Bellatrix snapped jerking my hair back more.

"That's what I said isn't it!" I hissed

"Why, you little-"

"Bellatrix! Enough!" The dark lord Snapped

"Yes My lord.." Bellatrix cowarded

"Well, since you Killed one of my finest, I'll have to replace him, with You."
Voldemort Smirked

"Fenrir, Barty, Bellatrix, hold her still." He demanded, as the three had trouble pinning me down.

"Alecto, antonin, a hand." He added as the other two hurried over helping to pin me down.

"I'm glad this will hurt." Bellatrix smirked menacingly, as the dark lord put his wand to my forearm.

My arm immediately fell asleep though it were on Fire, making me scream in pain.

"There..Now Ms lovegood, welcome to the world of death." The dark lord smirked as the other death eaters let me go as I immediately stood up, lunging at him.

"Little spitfire, you are." He smirked as Bellatrix and Mr Malfoy held me back.

"Fuck you!"

"Proving my point, little girl." He Smirked

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