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I Ran through the manor, desperately looking for a escape, Only to find a emotionless expressioned Professor Snape.

"Where are you going stupid girl?" He snapped, taking my arm dragging me into a room.

"Professor?" I said stund, as closed the door, it was a large bedroom in all black.

"Ms Lovegood, You mustn't leave, you'll die and we both know it."He whispered.

"He can track you by the mark, and he controls the pain you feel from it." He explained as I listened, In a mixture of concern and anger.

"You're one of his followers!" I snapped

"Lower Your voice, You stupid girl." He hissed

"Tonks, luna and lupin know you're safe, I suggest you stay out of trouble to keep it that way." He added

"How do you know they know?"

"That's none of your concern Ms lovegood."

"Yes it is! They're my family!" I snapped before finding myself again a wall with a hand over my mouth.

"Lower. Your. Voice. Rosanna." He whispered dead calm.

I bit his hand making him jerk back.

"You stupid girl, I'm trying to help you!" He hissed

"Help me? Help me! Right, the only thing you've ever done was be a stone cold prick." I laughed sarcasticly.

"I promise you're godparents to keep you safe." He hissed, making my eyes widen slightly.

"Now get out, and go find your bedroom, you know where I am if there's a emergency." He added opening the door to I'm assuming his room, shoving me out.

"Ms Lovegood?" A soft voice came from behind me, I spun around my eyes meeting chocolate colored ones.

"Calm down, dear. I'm not going to hurt you." She said softly.

"I'm Narcissa.. Draco's mother. You know my son, Yes?" She added in a calm voice.

"Yes... I know draco" I nodded.

"Would you like me to take you to your room? Since Dear sev is no help?" She said with a playful small smile

"Please." I nodded

"Come along." She smiled, leading me through the foyer.

"What's your name, luv?" She asked softly.

"Rosanna...lovegood."I spoke slightly nervously.

"Oh Yes... Draco's told me all about you, dear. You must be close?"

"Not anymore...." I sighed.

"Why not?" She asked soft.

Set Me Free (N.M. X L.M. X O.C. X B.L. X S.S.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora