chapter thirty six.

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The fear that Dakota might have faced sexual assault was the first thought in Mieke's mind. As a survivor herself, she couldn't help but project her own experiences onto her sister's situation.

Mieke came home from Alabama earlier than expected and retreated to her room and avoided conversation with anyone for days, much like Dakota. The similarity between their behaviors struck Mieke deeply, reminding her of her own struggles adding to her concern for her sister.

Keanu noticed the tension in her body language and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to jump to conclusions. I'm just having some type of trauma response."

Keanu asked, "Why? What happened?"

"My dad just told me Dakota's been here since Saturday. Mind you, Dakota doesn't ever come home unannounced plus she wasn't supposed to be coming home until next month. She hasn't talked to anybody too so clearly something is wrong and it just reminded me of Alabama and how I acted after. So, I immediately started thinking that happened to her. She could just be sad though but that can't help but come to mind."

"I hear you." Keanu nodded before he paused for a moment, considering his next words. "Don't beat yo self up bout it though. You just being extra cautious, which is a good thing just remember, you don't know what happened yet, It could be hella reasons why she's acting that way. She probably had a bad week and she wanted to come home and be alone. Try to stay calm."

"I am." She grabbed one of his dreads, twirling it between her thumb and pointer finger.

Keanu shook his head with a small smile on his lips. "All you do is lie." he remarked, and Mieke chuckled softly. "Lie and play with my dreads."

Mieke pushed Keanu's head away with a smile, "Shut up stealing my words. I am calm though like I know it's just my mind going to the worst-case scenario. I'm not letting it get to me like I get why I'm feeling this way, because of my past and what I went through and my fears and I'm not ignoring that, I'm acknowledging it, but I'm not letting it control me. You get what I'm saying?" She looked at Keanu "Does that make sense?"

Keanu nodded, "Yeah, I get what you saying."

"Thanks now if this had happened years ago, I probably would've gone into full panic mode or something. But now," she paused fixing her bonnet. "I'm handling things differently. I'm actually taking control of my thoughts and emotions, and that's a big step forward for me."

"You healing. I'm proud of you, Ima get you a cake that says Daddy's ba-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mieke glared at him and said, "Don't say it." And Keanu chuckled, and Mieke rolled her eyes. She then redirected her attention to her suitcase, "I hate the whole process of packing my clothes. I wish my closet could just follow me everywhere."

"Dad!" Skyler yelled.

"In the closet!" Keanu yelled back.

"And when I'm back in Chicago, I feel it, Another version of me, I was in it." Skyler sang as she walked into the bathroom. She then walked over to Mieke's closet, pushing the door open, "Hii."

"Hey you look pretty girl." Mieke complimented. Skyler's hair was styled in boho knotless braids, and she wore a green sweater, ripped denim jeans, and green Bottega sponge slides. She carried her green Bottega duffle bag, packed with everything she needed for the two days at Fela and Rulo's. Because of school she couldn't leave for Vegas the same day as Keanu and Mieke.

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