Portland Home Sweet Home

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My god why did they have to pack this truck so damn hard, I could've taken stuff in my car. "Andie!! Did you pack your toothbrush?!" I honestly don't know why I asked my mom to come with me to move in. I could hear my mom's footsteps echo through the empty hall of my new house, "Andria Sage, what are you going to cook with? You have nothing to use in the kitchen!" I covered my face with my hands in the attempt to not scream at my mom, I know she just wants to help but at the same time I'm twenty five and can take care of myself. "Mom they're in another box and I plan I shopping later, but I have work I'm here to work." I lied to her she still doesn't know I plan on staying here in Portland. Washington isn't my home anymore I feel drawn here and I have no idea why, however it'll keep me busy here in Portland with the rate of crime going up. "Well sweetie you have in the past survived on just coffee and bagels from Einsteins." At least I'm eating who cares if it's bagels and coffee. "Mom seriously I'm twenty five, I went through college and I work with brutal crime scenes and people. I can take care of myself." That was a bit harsh but I couldn't help myself and say it.. I watched her vogue.. she tried to hide herself from me. "Mom I'm sorry.. I know you want what's best for me I shouldn't have snapped at you." I always feel bad when I push my mom over a bit too much, she's been through a lot with my youngest brother Aaron and my dad. Going through all Aaron's medical documents and such to submit for his certificate of death completion, and my dad's cancer treatments. I know if I tell her I'm not moving back the Washington it'll destroy her, so hopefully I can find a reason to stay besides work. Maybe I'll be able to find something on my older brother Bennett, after Aaron's death he went off the deep end and disappeared. Beau my eldest brother and I searched for months but came up with nothing, he gave up but I refuse until I know what happened. It's hard to believe that I've thought this much and have been able to still unpack at the same time, "I know I shouldn't baby you honey.. you're my daughter and I just can't stand to loose you." Now I feel bad, about everything that I'm going to put her through but I have to do what's best for me. "I'm not going anywhere mom, and whenever you need a break you come and stay with me." She smiled slightly after all I know she'll never take a break from dad. She just says that she will to not make me worry. "Well that's it for now, I will text you once I get home to see dad okay." I nodded and watched as she walked out of the door.

Silence, that's all my house was filled with. No decoration no pictures and no furniture besides my inflatable mattress upstairs in my room.. "Portland.. Home sweet home." My once quiet home was interrupted with the loud and annoying sound of damn doorbell, I just want this day to be the over. "My god please tell me this isn't my neighbors." I lazily walked over to the front door and opened it. "Detective Andria Lawson?" Oh shit it's the Captain, "Uh yes.. come in Captain." Now I'm really embarrassed about my living space and how I'm dressed. "I want to apologize for the state of me and my house." He looked at me confused, "Andria I'm not here to judge you I'm here to get to know you as a person." He chuckled and honestly I'm so relieved, "Well that's a relief, first off you can call me Andie." He nodded and continued to look around, analyzing everything which honestly is kind of creepy but I guess he wants to make sure I'm not a psychopath. "Why Andie? Sounds a lot like a boys name." I laughed a bit "Yeah well my parents thought I was gonna be a boy and when I was t they just put Andria on the birth certificate I've always been called Andie." He shrugged and smiled, I can tell that Portland is going to be much more friendly than Seattle. "I am going to ask on how feel about having two partners?" That's not typical but it should be fine "That's fine what's their names?" I asked "Detective Nick Burkhardt and Detective Hank Griffen." So maybe he was wondering if I was okay with being partners with two men. Which is an odd question to ask. "Do you know them?" Personally no, "I know of their records, Nick he's got a lot on his shoulders I've heard." Sean looked down almost seemingly upset. "Nick is hard worker.. and an incredible detective. He doesn't deserve a lot of what has happened.." I kind of interrupted him "No one does.. I can't imagine it's been easy to watch what's happened." He shook his head no and readjusted his coat, "I should let you get comfortable, and I will see you tomorrow." I nodded and walked him out, shutting the door behind him I let out the biggest sigh I ever had in my entire life. "Oh my god I'm so tired." I rested my foot head on the red wooden door for a couple minutes before gathering the strength to go upstairs and lay in bed. I really hope that my first day isn't absolute hell.. but I know ow I'll jinx myself if I say that out loud, also since the crime rate here is still climbing. "I wonder what's happening and why is there so much crime?" This is requiring my brain to think more than it can handle right now, I just want to lay down and go to bed.

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