Chapter 1 Chapter 1 James Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya Origin

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When things started not all people are treated as equals some are discrimated or worse bullied like my brother I was meditating under a tree as a Samurai would when I heard my brother trying to protect him at a young age we are about the same age and height but I'm more the mature one as he is obsessed with being a hero his favorite is All Might which is understandable. I see him trying to protect another boy from his ex childhood friend. He was shaking as I watched in the distance.

"Why you being so mean our making him cry Kacchan if you don't stop then I'll stop you myself!" said baby Izuku. "His mind is in the right place I know he still wants to be a hero and I believe he can as long as he has a heart it doesn't matter for a quirk but I have to be ready to step in." I said in my hand. "If you don't stop then I'll stop you myself." said Baby Izuku. "at least his trying well time to step in and help." I said to myself.

Right as they are about to attack I stepped up. "If he doesn't I will." I said. The blonde boy and his friends grew scared as I stepped in. I had black hair with a purple strand pale skin, a black shirt and red pants, I have hazel eyes, and I am holding my first practice kendo sword the wooden kendo sword of Japan I was feared by my bullies as I don't take crap from them even from my brothers friend or supposed friend.

I want to be a hero to protect and save people someone who fought for what is right and don't care for fame and money so even when I was at home it was me and Izuku with our loving mom Inko she took care of us like all the time as a mom should. anyways the blonde hair boy and his friends ran. "You okay bro?" I asked him. "I'm fine James sorry for having you come in an help me again." said Izuku.

"Don't sweat it bro I am here to help you no matter what I don't care if your quirkless or not I will always love you bro same with mom." I said. We fist bump smiling we helped the boy up as we walked home.

We ran threw the street as we are on our way to our last day of school I have a red and black uniform as I am with my brother and good friend Izuku we get along super well. Izuku is somewhat short for his age, his round face is framed by a short mop of fluffy dark-green hair which curls up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular and his irises are the same shade of green as his hair, which at times are very watery, and are usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent, energized appearance. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek. Izuku has often been described as "plain-looking" or "not standing out" by others.

An he happens to be a hero wise when it comes to heroes his always there. "Bro come on dude." said Izuku. I laughed at him. "I'm coming bro!" I said. We push forward doing better then most people as it and I made my first real katana as I love japans ancient past plus more.

We get to a hero vs villain fight as Izuku loves watching and taking notes like normal its his thing to do everyday he writes down different heroes and their quirks I find it really cool I even had him copy my quirk down my quirk is know as sword making I can make any sword I want and make the armor to go with plus my IQ is over 100,000 with the different swords I know so I don't much of any education but I do get my school work done I am a A plus student and I hardly ever get into trouble. I always carry my katana as its my favorite sword.

We watched as Kami woods and his partner fight the villain.


As the fight intensified I was smiling I myself love Gunhead as he also battles with a sword I also like Ryuyku the Dragon hero as things got wrapped up the fight slowed down Izuku was writing in his book like always. "You get that bro." I said smiling. "You know dude." said Midoriya.

"Man our heroes are awesome dude." I said. "Yeah I know." said Izuku. we timeskip to our school I am in the back cause I like it. I am sharpening my katana as normal while working on my hero suit for when I leave UA the best school in all of Japan but there are others here in Japan as well. "As third year students its about time to think seriously about your futures." said the teacher. "I could pass our carrier test but why bother I know you all want to go to the hero track." He tossed the papers in the air while the others start using their quirks.

"Damn straight." I said smiling in my head. "Yes yes you all hve powerful quirks but you can't use them without a license. "Hey Teach don't lump me in with these bunch of losers I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to be as sidekicks to some busted D lister." said Bakugo. "Tch Pomerania dick bag." I said pissed. "He doesn't deserve to be a hero with how much he uses his quirk on my brother he should be classified as a villian." I said quietly.

Katsuki is a young man of average height, with a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He has short, spiky, sandy blond hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows. His eyes are sharp and bright red in color. I hate him so much with every ounce of blood in my body. But I keep my calm as I continue my sketch of my perfect Dragon armor. "Perfect." I said smiling in my head. Everyone started yelling at him.

"No his just a boring ass person with the biggest fucking ego." I said. "WHAT WAS THAT YOU SWORD BASTARD!" yelled Bakugo. "You heard me if you have a problem with it." I said. I looked at him with a bit of bloodlust. "Come at me bitch." I said. "You don't deserve to be hero out of everyone here." I said. "OH YOU DO HUH!" he yelled. "YEAH CAUSE I KNOW QUIRKS AREN'T EVERYTHING YOU FUCKER!" I yelled. "James bro calm down please." said Izuku.

"Tch fine bro." I said. I sat down and I looked threw the materials I have old dragon scales as I collect as soveniers from the Dragon heroes fights and more. "Huh you got impressive test results maybe you will get into UA high." said the teacher. "Tch." I said looking away. "An James with your impressive brain and quirk you can get into UA High as well." said the teacher. "Thank you teach I will not let my school down." I said. I did the traditional Japanese bow to him. "James I wish you luck bro." said Izuku. "Thanks Izuku and I know you want to get into UA as well its your biggest dream ever." I said.

But it just made everyone laugh at this. Bakugo yells at him but I stood infront of my brother with my katana out. "You want to do that again villain." I said to them. This shocks my class as I call them villains because well that is what they are being. "You know I have had enough with all of you the only one with a heart of a hero is me and my brother like I said it doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not as long as you have a heart that's what makes a hero heroes are supposed to protect the weak not hurt them you bastards." I said. They all look at me in shock.

"One question what did the quirkless ever do to you all huh?" I asked. "Why are you protecting him you fucker?" said Bakugo. "BECAUSE HE IS MY BROTHER AND BROTHERS ARE SUPPOSE TO HELP EACH OTHER YOU MUTT" I yelled. "Lets go Izuku we're out a here." I said. "He Deku why don't you pray a quirk for you next life and take a swan dive off the roof of a building." said Bakugo. This shocks the classroom I threw my sword cutting his arm. Lets go bro we don't need them." I said. We left as we did. "Izuku I'm gonna go home to work on my hero suit I'll see you later man." I said.

"See ya bro and thanks again everyone in that school respects you so much with your quirk and everything." said Izuku. "Yeah well respect is to be earned from me like how you have my respect bro." I said. I walked home with Izuku side by side. "Plus I know one day when you get to UA become number 1 you can rub it into Bakugo's face an call him an idiot." I said. "I have confidence in you man." Izuku smiled as we gave each other a bro hug. "later man I'll catch you home dude." I said. I walked off going home.

Long the way home I was humming to myself as I do on a normal daily basis I stopped by a forge in town to help me make my hero suit I am not that lazy to let someone else make it themselves I do it on my own I then start using the materials to make my Samurai armor. But I attracted the attention of a very beautiful young girl. She had White and red hair, one eye is blue and the other is normal, she it wearing a white shirt top with a nice small skirt it happened to be blue she had pale skin and white shoes and socks.

She sees me making my Samurai armor like and expert. "Interesting style." she said. I stopped and I looked as I looked behind me I seen her as I blush a bit. "Thanks umm hehe I just like Japans ancient past of Samurai's an more its thanks to my quirk I can make this." I said.

"I see so you make armor with your quirk?" She asked. "Well yeah but my quirk is sword making." I said smiling. "I see so you can make a sword. "Yeah actually." I said. "So you got a name." said the girl. "James Midoriya at your service malady." I said smiling. "What about you?" I asked her.

"Nice name the names Shoka an I'm Endeavors daughter over there is my brother Shoto." said Shoka. I sweat a bit. "Endeavors daughter?" I asked. "An I wish I wasn't." said Shoka. "She hates him as well but why?" I asked in my head. "But if he is your dad then don't you like him?" I asked her. "Because he took our childhood from us he took away our older brother Touya, our mom and he hurts the crap because his rivalary with All Might. "Oh I get it but hey it will be okay though I hate him too." I said.

"Oh really?" she asked. "Yeah but for a different reason okay." I said smiling. "Okay you know you would like our house its basically old fashion Japanese sliding doors inside it." said Shoka. "Oh really?" I asked. "Yeah." said Shoka. "What happened to your eyes though?" I asked her. "Our mom did this because our dad drove her insane." said Shoka. "Oh well I can't fisically blame her I seen some of his fights he don't care for his fans he just stomps on them and leaves them but I'm sorry about that Shoka." I said.

"Its not your fault James so you have people in your life you care?" she asked. "Yeah there is my mom and my brother." I said. "Their names is Inko and Izuku Midoriya." I said. "Oh they sound awesome what's their quirks?" asked Shoka. "Well my mom has Telepethy but she can't lift heavy objects but smaller objects but my brother is quirkless and it gets him bullied." I said.

This shocks Shoka hearing this from me. "But..." I said. "Huh." said Shoka. "I don't bully him because its wrong and stupid heroes is supposed to protect and serve keep the people safe not use their quirks Illegally when ever they want." I said. Shoka smiled hearing this. "You sound just like a true hero." said Shoka. "Thanks heheh so what's your quirk?" I asked her. "Our quirks are half hot and half cold." said Shoto.

Shoto is a moderately tall and rather muscular young man who is well-built for his age. He has short hair that doesn't pass his neck, and wears bangs, parted twice to avoid obscuring his vision.

His hair is evenly split between white on his right side and crimson red on his left, this unusual coloring being due to his . As another result, he also possesses , which causes his left eye's iris to appear turquoise, while his right is a brownish dark gray.

His eyes, in shape, are quite thin and reserved. Additionally, he has a large burn scar on the left side of his face, which reaches from his hairline to halfway down his cheek. He usually has a serious expression. Despite this, however, several of the girls in his class have claimed that he is handsome and even goes as far as to say that he's the best-looking guy in Class 1-A.

"Oh that's actually powerful so you two going to UA?" I asked them. "Yeah we re going in as recommended by our dad." said Shoka. "Ah so am I actually but I am taking the practical exam." I said. "Oh good luck." said Shoka. "Thanks Shoka." I said.

The heard Endeavor call them. "Oh boy." I said. "Yeah but hey it was nice meeting you." said Shoka. "Yeah James and good luck." said Shoto. "Thanks see you both." I said. As I kept working on my are it came along nicely I put the dragon scales on to make it fire proof (Armor up in top).

An after about I got it done and I shipped it into UA as it will be their. I walked home when I saw Shoka being harassed by a boy I stepped in an aimed my katana at his neck. "If I were you I let the girl go right now." I said. The blade side was facing the neck. The boy was walking away slowly. I then put my katana away an looked. "You okay Shoka. "Yeah thanks James." said Shoka. "Anytime Shoka so what are you doing here?" I asked her. "I left the house to go shopping but that boy tried to harassed the shit out of me." said Shoka.

I sighed at this. "I'll escort you home so you don't get that to happen to you again." I said. "What you don't have to do that James." said Shoka. I held her hand. This made her blush. "Please its what a hero does right?" I said smiling. She blushed as she saw me as a true gentlemen. "Y-yeah." said Shoka. "So let me." I said smiling. Shoka smiled while blushing. "Heh well if you insist." said Shoka.

So I walked her home protecting her from the boys who want to harass her. We get to talking a bit more knowing about each others past and more an when we neared her house. "Well this is it thanks for the walk James." said Shoka. "Hey anytime." I said smiling. "I'm just glad that we got to know each other more now." I said. "Yeah same its actually nice to know each other more." She said. "Yeah well I uhhh better get going my mom is probably worried sick about me hehehe." I said. As I turned Shoka stopped me as i turned to see her. She kissed my cheek. "Bye." said Shoka. I blushed as I watched her enter her house smiling. "bye." I said. I then start to walk way.

(I know people has done this but I wanna try it.)


Shoka walks to her house smiling thinking about me. "Oh god his so cute." said Shoka in her. "SHOKA!" yelled Endeavor. "What dad?" She asked. "Where were you?" He asked. "I was getting harassed at the store by a boy but someone saved my life the boy had an erasing quirk that erased my quirk its not my fault also dad I need a favor." said Shoka. "Huh?" He asked. "Have you heard of the Midoriya family?" she asked.

"I believe so why?" asked Endeavor. "The woman named Inko has a son that can make a sword think of this Ice as strong as steel." said Shoka. Endeavor liked the idea. "That's not a bad idea." said Endeavor. "So please I want an arranged marriage with this sweet boy." said Shoka. She shows him my picture and he smiled. "I like it lets find his house." said Endeavor 

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