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Gray Yeon slips from his bed, a dull headache remaining an ever constant. He hardly spares a look in the direction of the auburn boy slumped, sleeping, in his bed. If he were to look for even a minute, he might consider being here when the boy wakes up. I don't have time to indulge myself in the little pleasantries of life, he thought to himself, clicking shut his bedroom door soundlessly as he quickly padded to the bathroom to fix his appearance.

The small figure looks into the mirror, each curve of his face illuminated by the ugly bathroom light. This room might as well be a morgue, and Gray, the dead body sprawled across the table. Already he was pale, the only real difference was that he never looked peaceful. Not the way the dead did.

One day, he probably would die. However, not before I finish this fucking task. As of late, Gray could feel the subtle shifts of his head, pieces falling into place. If he was going to fool the world, he'd have to fool himself. Since truly, the only person in the world who could really ruin everything... was him. Should he crack or get caught, then everything was done for. Months of planning, degrading himself in the eyes of others, wasted.

No that can't happen. His fingers gripped the countertop unnoticed as his body shook, It's not just about me anymore, each knuckle turned white with pressure. I'm doing this for all of us, everyone.

Gray looked back up at the mirror, nearly flinching away from the reflection which stared back at him. There was an ugly blank look in his eyes, desaturated seemingly in color. His hair was mused, though, Gray found it far from cute, no, it looked like Wolf's after a fight. The dark spots of splattered water from the counter could very well be the same blood that stains Jake's shirts when he lets himself get battered half-to death.

I can't be selfish anymore, The realization clicked all at once, for even when he was looking into the very visage of himself, he couldn't help but see others. Everything he hated about himself, everything he found ugly, everything that made him want to end it all, give up, was a feature he could just as easily find in another. He wondered if he was making it up when the words, 'We're in this together,' found their way to the surface of the churning waters. A buoy, bobbing and struggling amongst the oncoming waves of a tsunami.

Another thought followed, Gray Yeon is selfish.

Then the last, perhaps most dangerous of them all, "The White Mamba is not selfish." He couldn't look any longer at the stranger who glared at him, it was uncomfortable, beyond uncomfortable.

After a moment's more of silence, the phone, forgotten, that he'd placed on the left side of the sink sent little vibrations through the countertop. A buzzing switch flipped seemingly, releasing Gray's hands from their violent grip. A sigh escaped the other's lips, in annoyance... or relief?

JAKE: Hey, hate to bother you this early, but Donald told me we had a job together today.

JAKE: Were you aware?

Gray Yeon was not aware that he had a task with Jake. He knew from the previous documents that he'd have to do something today, though, in accordance with the usual, he'd assumed that his partner would be Wolf Keum. Jake was, more often than not, busy with equally important work, "diplomatic" work. Donald left the meat-head work to the adrenaline crazed idiots: Wolf, Jimmy, Forrest, Dongha and Seongmok. Whilst leaving the intellectual work to the members who had a brain: Gray, Jake, and Kingsley. Everyone else was to fill in where was requested, if not priorly mentioned, in the eyes of their 'supreme' leader, they were expendable variables. Old lightbulbs to be discarded should they ever burn themselves out or dim their light too low to illuminate the path in which Donald had lain before them. 

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