Part VII: Prelude to the First Robotech War

Start from the beginning

- 1999.08.06

During their survey of the ASA-1, the research team on South Atalia Island accidentally reactivates E.V.E., who temporarily overrides all Earth comm traffic by asking for asylum from the nations of Earth. She warns humanity of the ongoing Protoculture Wars between the Tirolian Robotech Mercantile Empire and the Invid Regency, and also the dangers of the Zentraedi, though much of the information is left unclear as E.V.E.'s memory core was heavily damaged in the ship's crash-landing. E.V.E. also informs the world of the science of Robotechnology.

- 1999.08.07

The United Nations General Assembly is called for by many to address the very real threat of invasion from outer space. The seeds of the Unification Wars began almost immediately various oligarchs and plutocrats belonging to the growing Globalist Movement gain more and more influence in the UN, believing that the arrival of the ASA-1 would give them the excuse needed to truly reform the United Nations as a global superstate. Secretly, measures are taken by the former research team members to isolate the E.V.E. AI from the world's Internet.

- 1999.09

The Protoculture Wars reaches a brief stalemate as large amounts of both the Robotech Empire's and the Invid Regency's space forces have been sent to the Milky Way Galaxy and its surrounding extragalactic space to search for the Macross' whereabouts.

- 1999.12

According to detailed reports of the studies of the two alien spacecraft by Dr. Lang, it is discovered that the ASA-1 is a warship, and its crew is fully five times the size of human beings. While terrified by the all too real prospect of invasion from deep space, this knowledge also nets humanity an absolute treasure trove of information. Within reach now is a complete and total liberation of humanity from dependence on fossil fuels by the use of hydrogen fuel cells. However, due to maneuvering by various groups, this technology is strictly controlled.

In preparation for intergalactic warfare, a plan is drafted to unify the countries of Earth and to establish a United Earth Government.

It is decided that the ASA-1, heavily damaged yet repairable, will be disassembled and reconstructed as a Terran-made space battleship to serve as the spearhead of Earth's space military forces.

A crash program is initiated by the United Nations to develop human starships and mobile weapons based on alien technology.

Construction begins on a series of mass drivers across the Earth to facilitate moving cargo cheaply into orbit and to Luna.

2000 A.D.:

- 2000.01

Construction begins on the Lake Superior Space Elevator to ferry the salvaged parts of the ASA-1 to Space Station New Frontier and other space stations for study.

- 2000.03

Alltech Corporation, an international civilian aerospace research consortium analyzing the alien technology of the ASA-1 and -2, is established through a joint Japanese-American-Sovereign Union-German-English-French collaboration.

- 2000.04

Emil Lang and Lazlo Zand announce the formation of the Robotech Research Group (RRG), a transnational think tank and consortium to develop Robotech science and applications. A host of scientists and engineers, including Adam Bronson, Henry Penn, Daryl Embry, Aries Turner, Arthur Hasford, Jakob Erlich, and Oliver Chang Yi, join the organization. Other members and associates include Captain Henry J. Gloval, Lieutenant Colonel Anatole Eli Leonard, Captain Wyatt Moran, and, unknown to all, E.V.E., in the form of the solid holographic avatar Doctor of Cybernetics Becky Franklin.

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