call me baby

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bad timings, good timings universe

Risa always calls Leni "love", but sometimes, she calls her "baby" and Leni couldn't get enough.


Their living room was quiet, aside from a few rustling of papers and the scribbling of pens. Sunday evenings were spent with both of them on the couch, readying themselves for the week instead of making use of their free time to rest. There were empty cups of tea on the coffee table waiting to be refilled, opened folders and envelopes, different colored pens and binders.

What made them compatible – as they've told each other before – was the fact that Leni was so organized to the point that she would label everything in her pantry, and Risa liked to keep things in a certain order, particularly those she used for work. Hence, they never had to worry about who owned what, where something was, or if they still had a specific item or not.

So, though appearing to be too messy with the dizzying amount of paperwork in the scene, they worked in harmonious silence. Zoned in on their work, conversing only when needed, and shifting positions, trying to find ways to stay close to each other while still maintaining their focus.

A little later in the evening, Risa laid down on the couch, papers still in hand. She laid her head on Leni's lap and Leni welcomed her gesture, though they didn't say anything to each other. They were content with just being in the same space at the same time.

In the midst of their silence, Leni absentmindedly ran her fingers through Risa's hair, brushing the strands away from her face. It lasted for a few minutes until Risa said. "Love, stop, inaantok ako.".

Leni halted her movements so Risa continued reading, until she felt a hand stroke her hair again and curl the ends around their fingertips.

"Love, stop."

The older senator stopped again and Risa thanked her before going back to her readings. A few minutes later, Leni's hand found itself on Risa's hair again. This time, she scratched her scalp in slow grazes that made Risa yawn. "Len, seriously, stop playing with my hair. Marami pa akong kailangan basahin."

"Hmm." Was the only response she got. Risa chuckled. Leni had always been like that whenever she was too interested in her work.

When Leni's hand raised, Risa almost groaned in annoyance. But rather than her hair, Leni's hand went to her arm, tracing circles and feeling the smoothness of her girlfriend's skin. Risa breathed in relief that it wasn't her hair because she really was going to fall asleep sooner than later if Leni continued.

But Leni's hand seemed to have a mind of its own and not listen to her because not even five minutes later, it was back on her hair. Gently caressing and petting before diving into her scalp to scratch lightly.

"Baby, please, stop playing with my hair na." Risa whined.

At that, Leni set her folder beside her and stared at Risa. She didn't say anything yet. She just stared.

"O, galit ka?" Risa asked, huffing.

"Ulitin mo nga 'yung sinabi mo." Leni replied.

"Stop playing with my hair, sabi ko."

"Buo. Sabihin mo 'yung buong sentence."

"Wha–, please stop playing with my hair..?"

Leni broke out into a grin – the kind where her dimples showed and even her eyes smiled. "You called me baby."

Risa smiled too. "I call you baby sometimes naman ha."

"Oo nga. Sometimes lang."

Sitting up, Risa noticed Leni's flushed cheeks. She actually looked kilig at the endearment. "Ang cute mo."

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