- 1962.10

The Cuban Missile Crisis; The deployment of Soviet nuclear bombs to Cuba triggers an international incident that almost brings the world to nuclear war. The conflict is resolved with both the Soviet Union and the United States withdrawing nuclear weapons from Cuba and Turkey.

1963 A.D.:

Dandridge M. Cole and Donald W. Cox propose 30-km (10-mi.) orbital habitats made from asteroids.

- 1963.06.14

The USSR launches Valentina V. Tereshkova in Vostok 6, the first woman in space.

1966 A.D.:

- 1966.11.08

Emil Lang, father of Terran Robotechnology, is born in Württemberg, Germany.

1968 A.D.:

- 1968.03.20

Wyatt Moran is born.

- 1968.04.07

Skarrde Galarr emerges from his clone chamber.

1969 A.D.:

- 1969.07.20

Neil Armstrong of the Apollo 11 mission is the first man to walk on the Moon.

1970 A.D.:

- 1970.06.10

Azonia Laplamis and Khyron Kravshera emerge from their respective clone chambers.

- 1970.09.23

Brian Bernard is born.

- 1970.11.11

Joe Yazawa is born.

1971 A.D.:

- 1971.11.01

Nina Lang, younger sister to Emil Lang, is born.

1972 A.D.:

- 1972.07.29

Zeraal Tul emerges from his clone chamber.

1973 A.D.:

Henry Gray patents the "Vivarium" closed-type cylindrical space colony design (U.S. Patent 3,749,332).

- 1973.11.21

Alphonso Napeoleon Russo is born.

1974 A.D.:

Professor Gerard K. O'Neill publishes his "High Frontier" space colony concept.

- 1974.04.29

Grel Oigul emerges from his clone chamber.

- 1974.05.08

Anatole Eli Leonard is born.

1975 A.D.:

- 1975.03.05

Thomas Riley "T.R." Edwards is born.

- 1975.06.09

Rudolf Krieger is born.

- 1975.07.17

The U.S. Apollo 18 docks with the U.S.S.R. Soyuz 19, the first cooperative venture in space.

- 1975.08

The L5 Society is founded.

- 1975.08.25

D.D. Ivanov is born.

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