I turned out all my lights and got into bed and pulled my comforter up to my chin.  Blaine and I had so much fun in college.  Even through everything with John.  When John said I couldn't see him,  he still would come around and be my friend.  When I was in the hospital and after during the trial,  he was my rock.  We lived together after the trial until things got serious with Douglas.  I always loved the outfits he would pick out or make for me.  He was very talented.  My hair and makeup was always on point.  Except for once.


"Oh my God!  Turn up this song!  It's my life's anthem!". Blaine yelled dancing all over the bedroom.

"This is the gayest song ever Blaine!"

"You are just jealous that Cher is not your spirit animal as she is mine!". I just giggled why sitting on my bed waiting for what ever chemicals he had put on my hair were done doing whatever the hell the they were supposed to do. 

"Um Blaine,  my head feels really hot under this plastic you have stuck to my hair."

"That means it's working my dear!"

I couldn't stand it anymore.  I scratched the side of my head.  When I stopped, some hair came out of the side where the plastic wasn't as tight.  At first, I thought it was just a tiny bit but then I reached under the plastic and a huge chunk came off in my hand.  I started screaming!

"Jesus Emery it doesn't get that hot.  And you say I am over dramatic!". He barely looked at me.

"Blaine.  Turn around right now and look at me.". I said as calmly and as seriously as I could.  He finally turned around and saw me standing there crying holding a large, long lock of my hair.

"Oh fuck.  That was not supposed to happen."

"Ya think Blaine?  Unless you were trying to make me bald!"

"Let's get it washed out right now!  Bathroom stat!"

He had me lean over the bath tub while he ripped the plastic off my head and started rinsing whatever concoction I allowed him to put in my hair out. 

"Keep your eyes closed Em.  For the love of God do not open them!"

"That is not fucking one bit reassuring Blaine you dickhead!"

Finally the water stopped and he wrapped my hair in a towel and helped me stand up and walked me into my room.  He sat me on my bed facing a full length mirror standing near by. 

"I was trying to give you some lighter brown, dark blonde highlights.  I think I used too much bleach.  I am so sorry Emery.  Will go out immediately and I will pay to have it professionally fixed. But before we take the towel off, please know I love you so much and remember you love me also.  Okay are you ready?"

I just glared at him.  I knew this was not going to be good since he was being serious and Blaine was rarely serious.  I also knew he didn't do this purposely.  I focused on the fact I did love him as he removed the towel.

I immediately could not for the life of me remember one single reason why he was my best friend.

My hair was a multitude of different colors ranging from my dark brown to almost white.  There was blonde and lighter brown but my favorite had to be the bright orange.  My hair was also sixteen different lengths.  Some a few inches long some my normal middle of my back length. 

"Will you please say something? Emery?"

But then my sister walked in with Charlie who she had taken out for the day.  Torey gasped.  Charlie ran to me and said "Grrr.  Momma look like a tiger.". I looked up into the mirror and with the black stripes on my face from the running mascara and eyeliner he wasn't far off.

"Uncle Bane,  if Momma a tiger, make me lion so we roar together?, said three year old Charlie.

We all broke out into laughter and I hugged that little boy so tight.  It would not be the last time he came to our rescue. 

End of Flashback

I laughed quietly.  Blaine took me out the next morning and as promised paid for it all to be fixed.  I have to say I rocked the pixie cut for awhile! 

I wonder if Dom would have liked my pixie hair?  He used to tell me he liked my long hair on the rare occasions that I wore it down.  He still had those blue eyes.  Charlie was correct.  They had not changed at all. 

Was I ready to find out more?  Did I even want to know more?  I did, but maybe not for the reason Blaine was hoping.  Maybe I just wanted to know he was well and happy.  That would be enough for me.  I never told him how I felt for reasons that were important to me.  Knowing he was healthy, successful and fulfilled was enough for me to put him back in his box in my mind.

Was that enough?

I wondered as I started to drift off to sleep, dreaming of my favorite color blue.

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