Created, Cursed , and ....Loved?

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HEY GUYS ...:)

$o New story I have another story that I'm working on but I haven't been able to update it lately and I'm sorry to anyone who is now reading it but it's ok, because I'm back and I'm going to try and upload every week....key word being TRY. meaning it's no guarantee. but hopefully you'll like BOTH of my stories yea enjoy .


Sky's POV :




These are all words to describe how I feel down here in this grimy cell .

The warmth that once blossomed in my heart is now gone, my heart is now stone.

The only friend I've ever had was Sapphire. She is also gone. Escaped, and free to live her life as she pleases . She has promised to come back for me...three months ago. I can not blame her for forgetting about me , I mean what's the point in escaping if you're just going to run back in to harm's cold hard grip. I just wish she wouldn't have vowed a promise she couldn't have possibly kept true to. I am broken because I'm alone in this...this mess . I say this because it is true .

You see, everyone has a true soul mate out there somewhere , Vampires, Werewolves, Demons ,Witches , even Humans. Sometimes mated to each other or another supernatural group . For Humans it's a little different , a human can go seeking love and eventually find it and that's what they consider to be finding their soul mate, unless their mated to a supernatural .For supernatural it's a lot different , yes they can seek but they will not find. One thing that sucks about being a ready to fall in love supernatural is that they can not rush their Fate. Each supernatural group is assigned a Fate , sort of like a God to look after them and show them the way to go . The Fates decide who they're going to love , the Fates decide who they're going to be in life , the Fates decide what their purpose is . Please do not get confused ...although the Fates make those decisions it all leads up to HER. The Moon Goddess. She is the Fates' ruler in fact she's all of their ruler , you see the Fates may decide on the better decision ,but I guess you can say she enforces them in a way? as far as I know she approves the decisions . There is a reason I'm telling you this ... I swear it , you see I have listed all the supernatural and have not yet informed you of which group I fall under ... that is because I am a creation . I fall under all of the supernatural groups ... and more . I am my own breed . Yes , I was born and I grow like any normal supernatural teen would but I have the ability to decrease and increase my age ....but I absolutely , positively , can not die. literally . No matter how many years I increase my age ...I always stop , appearance wise , at 156 years and if I push my self too hard the increasing turns to decreasing ... I will literally go back to baby days and have to grow and gain my powers all over again . It took me about five times to learn that...let's just say I wrote a letter to myself about it all. I am the first of my kind ....and sadly the last . I can not conceive any children without a mate's physically impossible , and since I have come to the belief that I have no mate. I'm afraid that it is true ... I am destined to be alone forever.

I began to cry just thinking about my destiny of doom. This is the curse of me being created instead of conceived normally and not inserted in to the process ... so I'm told by that imbecile, she took my father away from me .....he as well along with Sapphire had also escaped promising to come back for me...just like Sapphire ....three months ago. I began to sob even harder , my knees gave in , causing my body to crumble to the floor in a heap . My breath caught in my throat when I heard the dungeon volt scrape open , thinking it was my so called " mother " coming to torture me again I hurriedly scrambled to the far right corner of the prisoner cell . Pulling my long tan legs into my chest , hiding all but my eyes behind my knees ...waiting for the monster to stroll in here with the hatred rolling off her body in waves ....waiting on her to take all her personal problems out on my body. but when I heard the sweeping of sneakers in stead of heels clacking down the path way... checking each cell before mine . Confusion clouded my features .The closer the person came ,the faster my heart began to pound ....I heard the person stop , sniff ... then growl.

That growl had me quaking in pleasure . I'm so lost why would that have me feeling pleasure ...unless... No I'm wrong it's not possible , I'm mate less . I hung my head low not even caring about the person's more frantic search through the cells of the prisoners . Why should I ? I'm never gonna feel the love of a mate , I'm never gonna have the privilege to conceive a beautiful baby girl or boy, I'm never going to have what the humans and supernatural call fun... I'm just alone ...forever. The person was getting closer searching frantically for what I guess was me being that I'm the only person in this hell hole . I heard the person huff.

" Fuck!!!! " I heard a sexy masculine voice shout out in frustration , sending delightful tingles down my back . A small gasp left my lips , and then everything froze.

" Come on princess , talk to me , lead me to where you are. " the voice said after a very long silence , once again sending delightful tingles down my back which in turn caused me to do something I've never done before . I moaned ....I actually moaned out loud ....from just the sound of this stranger's sexy voice. My cheeks began to flame even though I can't see him and he can't see me I'm still embarrassed .

A lustful growl sounded in the dungeon, causing not only the same tingles to shoot throughout my body but it had my core vibrating to the point where I had to suppress a moan....a loud one at that.

" No, not like that or when I find you I'll take you right where you stand " the stranger stated in a breathy voice , letting me know I'm not the only one being affected by this ... I have a suspicion but I'm not's just a hunch .

" Come on , baby ... lead me to where you are so I can hold you close " He said in a pleading voice causing a shudder to rack through my body from him calling me baby . Ok let's see if what I think is true. all of the supernatural beings that are apart of me start to stir , my wolf ( Layla ) , my vampire ( Monica ) , my witch ( Emily ) , and my demon ( Isabella ). All of them started to stir and murmur in excitement in my head making me giggle at their silly talk.

" Your ... laugh ... is so.... so... beautiful . My love, do it again " Mr. Stranger voiced . I suddenly had this bubbly feeling building it's way throughout my chest ...blossoming into warmth. That's when I lost it giggling like mad , clutching my tummy I rolled around on the floor...actually giggling and I had this feeling of extreme happiness soar through my chest. When the most mouth watering scent wafted my senses I almost choked on the air I had inhaled . The bang of my cell door snapped me out of my thoughts . I feel his eyes on me trying to get a better look at my face seeing as it was vailed by my long silky white hair. Yea , I said white of the many perks of being a're unique in so many different ways( insert sarcasm here ). I slowly but surely began to stand ... my back was to him when I had stood at my full height . slowly I began to turn keeping my head bowed feeling the power that this stranger projected ...I didn't want to disrespect him.

A small intake of breath was taken in by the stranger ...which had me bringing my head up carefully to meet his eyes. As soon as our eyes meet all four of the supernatural beings inside me all sounded at the same time screaming one word.



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