"Is it always going to be like that?" he asked.

I shrugged. "To some extent, I think so. Most of the time it's manageable, and it's possible it'll lessen as time passes."

Sweet Pea propped himself up on one arm, looking down at me. "Did we overdue it last night?"

"Maybe," I replied. "But it was totally worth it," I added, grinning up at him.

Sweet Pea froze as he leaned down. "I really did jinx it," he muttered.

"I'm going to guess...Jones?"

He nodded, looking at his phone. "What do you want now, Jones?" he asked, sitting up as he answered the phone. "Yeah, we'll be there."

"What is it this time?" I asked, sitting up behind him.

"FP wants to meet in the bunker. About Tall Boy."


Sweet Pea shook his head, looking at his phone again. "We have a few hours."

"Good,"I said, reaching for my clothes. "That means I can go home and shower. You coming with me?"

"Yeah, let's go," he replied.

"Morning," Mr Andrews greeted as we let ourselves in. "Want some coffee? It's a fresh pot."

"No thanks," I replied, starting up the stairs. "I'm going up to shower."

"I'll take some," I heard Sweet Pea say, making his way down the hall.

Archie's bedroom door was shut but even over the shower I could hear him pounding against something. "What the hell is he doing in there?" I asked Mr Andrews when I got back downstairs.

Mr Andrews chuckled. "Sorry, he hung up his punching bag in there this morning, started going at it early."

"It's his way of dealing with things," Sweet Pea said, refilling his mug before passing it to me. "Are you sure you don't mind?" he asked Mr Andrews.

The older man nodded. "Go ahead. I've seen what you have to work with over there."

I took Sweet Pea's seat next to Mr Andrews at the kitchen island, watching Sweet Pea's retreating back. "So Archie's taking your advice literally?"

"Looks like it," Mr Andrews said. "I'll ask him to move it to the garage later, I soundproofed it a few years back when he was pursuing music, may as well put it to good use. I already warned him Alice would be filing a noise complaint if he wasn't careful."

"That, or she'll be over here herself to handle it. I'm not sure which would be worse," I replied with a laugh.

He chuckled, taking another sip of his coffee. "Uh, Abigail," he started, glancing down the hall toward the stairs. "While you were upstairs, Sweet Pea and I talked about him coming back to work on the crews."

"Okay?" I didn't understand why he was telling me.

"I thought he and the other Serpents were working for Veronica," he said. "Did that job fall through?"

I shook my head. "I don't know, but I'll talk to him about it later. Find out what's going on. You said he was a good worker though, so why the hesitation?"

"I just wanted your opinion on it," Mr Andrews said, shrugging. "You and Sweet Pea are happy together, I don't want you two working together to end that."

"It won't, we're big kids," I replied. "We can handle it."

"It's not you I'm worried about, Abigail," Mr Andrews said. "You know how guys talk, and you know Sweet Pea's temper. I don't want someone to say something about you and piss him off."

Second Chances [Sweet Pea x OC]Where stories live. Discover now