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She were watching at the ceiling, lost in thoughts.
What I'm going to do now? Am I for real going to kill someone?
She were wondering.
Then the painful memories started to overcome iside her mind.
y/n was still awake in the middle of the night, the afternoon of that day she were supposed to finally try to starts her plan.
She were so anxious.
What if I don't do it as I've plan to? What if it's going to make me in trouble?
But she were already in trouble.
She started to memorize.
At least she stopped worrying so much...
But that painful memories still kept her awake.
All started when when she finally become eighteen.
She were hired for a job, a company of models.
It wast her biggest dream, a lot of girls when they are younger desire to become models or an icon of beauty.
But she already was aware of what beauty could cause, and how many horrible situations could end up into by getting a job like that.
There could be a ton of disgusting scenarios, as the must tipical ones, where woman had to follow the norm of beauty by losing weight or getting plastic surgery.
Or the must horrific scenarios where girls as her could have been an hidden job.
There were even the slightly hope that a company like that wasn't even close a nasty place, but just a normal company as another.
Anyway, she needed money.
This may be irrational, why would a person get into such a dangerous situation just becouse of that?
But she wanted to just take a look first, so, she just tried to give it a chance.
So she showed up at the job interview and ended up choosing to take the job.
It wasn't bad, at first.
The only bad thing was her co-workers, really ruthless.
There was this competitive behaves of them, she hated them and they hated her.
But after, she ended up feeling pity for them...
The only one girl she had as a friend was a tall girl, her skin was tan and her cheecks full of frecks.
She was so pretty.
If she had some doubt about the reason why the company toke her there were no question toward her reason.
"Why are you doing this job?" Once she asked to y/n.
"For the same reason everyone work"
"Yeah, I mean..." She watched her with concerne "don't you know anything about it...?"
She were smoking, close to the open window.
Y/n were taking some air after a shot of pictures.
"About what?"
"You know the boss right?"
Y/n remembered that wierd guy, it weren't that sure about taking the job just becouse of him but there were an assistant that seemed persuasive on the pros of the work.
"I remember him" she answered with a disgusted expression.
"Well, I think he..." She toke her sigarette on her mouth then putting it out ready to answer.
"He steal some of the girls"
Y/n look at her full of shock.
"Wait... What!?"
They were interrupt by the photographer getting into the room and telling rudely the break was ended.
She tried her best to hide her fears on the rest of the time.
After work, she start chatting with the girl she was friend with.

"What the hell! Why didn't you tell me before! How is this possible??" She wrote
"I thought you knew🤨"
"I will end this job right away!"
"I would too if I could, but the contract is what it is"
"But how is this possible??"

They made a whole conversation about that.
The name of the girl she was friend with was Raily.
She explained some girls of the company used to dissapear, what was done to them wasn't sure.
It of course made Y/n scared as hell.
But eventually ended the period of work without any problem, where almost a year.
She was really careful to only done her job and never trust no one.
Raily and her end up becoming really close friend, she was happy to finally having someone to trust.
Y/n didn't have many friends, and having her was such a relief.
After the time wrote on the contract was ended, Y/n tried to sereach for Raily.
But she was gone.
Y/n tried to search for her everywhere, she knew where she lived and worry about her tried to see if she was there.
But there was no trace of her.
She ended up dissapearing.
After overcoming the grief y/n wanted revenge for her friend.
Wanted to finally know what was done to her.
So she stared to investigate about the company, and understood there were a main company in Thailand.
So she moved there.
But she wasn't the only one in that country for that same reason.
Edamura sighed loudly after hearing all about the plan of Laurent.
Actually, not all, but he would eventually discover it...

Author space
Thanks for reading! I love this show a lot so a ff was a must.
English isn't my native language if I messed up some sentence/words let me kindly know✿

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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