Prologue - Those Eyes shine, Gone.

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HELLOOO!! Its your lazy writer, Abby! Or Bea. Depends~
TODAY, I BRING SCARALUMI IN ENGLISH!! Just a warning, there may be some... misspellings, since i do not speak or write in english naturaly, i am Brazilian. Please, understand, and warn me if you see anything! Let's begin the story~


... Today, i admit my defeat, and this feeling of losing something... Once more. But this time, it wasn't just one thing... If you can call the new one a "thing"...
Now that my plan failed, i am destined to fall until my body touch the ground, knowing that my gnosis is now on Buer's hands. Knowing that... Those... Beautiful... Golden eyes... Who once shined and radiated trust and companionship... Are now filled with anger, hatred, sadness... And all feelings of this kind... And what hurts the most is that... I know that all these feelings... They are directed at me.
Now that my body touched the ground, i can feel my lungs being filled with dust, my body with cracks all over it... And i can feel this feeling of guilt as i see her golden eyes.
This i all i feel before i faint.
Now, there is nothing more than a black screen... After a while, memories started to pass on my mind... Memories that i wished never to remember again...
There are some wishes i never managed to grant myself... But there was one wish that i didn't even know i had...

"I wish to make those eyes shine at me again. To win her trust once more."

... What a silly wish... I don't understand this. Its new to me, at least, as Scaramouche... Did Buer brainwashed me...?
Or maybe she is the one showing me these unnecessary and worthless wishes and memories... Or i am being too paranoid...
Okay i am getting bored with this black screen. When am i going to wake up? I have better things to do.
... Finally, after hours, this body found strength to wake up. I was almost calling myself useless...
The first thing i see is a familiar place. The Sanctuary of Surasthana. Slowly coming back to my senses, i could feel some pain all over my body, and see the cracks i obtained after my defeat. Due to my position, i was probably lying on a bed. I looked to the right, and saw a familiar figure of a kid with white hair, together with some... Cabages...? ... I am hallucinating. The Kid noticed that i woke up.

- Oh, you are awake! - She said, as i recognized her voice. It was Buer. - Feeling any pain?

- ... - I was silent for some time. - ... Yes, but i guess it is natural. Why am i here?

- The Balladeer being The Balladeer I guess... I putted you here to recover from the fall, and to make you my prisioner.

Those words scared me. I am now Buer's prisioner? ... What is to happen now...?

- Relax, i am not like the Fatui. You will be my prisioner, but you will still have your freedom. You can still make your own choices. - She explained, and i was a bit more calm as she said those words. - Do you have any questions?

-... What are those things next to you?

Buer looked to the left, and then to the right, noticing that the little things hadn't left yet.

- Oh, these are the Aranara! They sometimes help me out on a few things. They seem to like you a lot!

As she said that, more appeared around me.
... It was somehow nice. They called me "Broken Nara"... Probably because of my cracks...
It seemed that all of them, including Buer, took care of me while i was unconscious...
Maybe this a new start... Maybe my life could get a bit better after all... Even being Buer's prisioner... But there was something missing...


... Maybe it is that odd wish... No no! What am i thinking?! This... Is ridiculous... Yeah! A ridiculous wish ... If i ignore it for now, i will forget it one time...

- Balladeer? Is something on your mind? - Buer asks, worried.
This question makes me snapp from my deep thought session.

- Uhh yeah, but it is nothing of your business...

- Okay... Then, let's talk about what you will fo for now as my prisioner, shall we?

I nodded, agreeing on talking about whatever made me stop thinking about this stupid wish i had...

After all we finished to talk, Buer told me to relax, and recover a little, so i sat on the bed.

- ... Maybe my life do can change after all.

End of the Prologue!☔

YEEEAHHH SCRLM!!!! (i freaking love this ship.)
It may take me a while to do the next parts of this storyyy sorry :(

So uhh


- Golden scars left where her wings were.

- The feathers(???) on her hair twich when she hears something related to her or something interesting. She tries to hide it from people, fearing their opinion.

- Her pupils are Star-Shaped!

- A bit fluffy hair and dark circles (she also tries to hide it to appear strong.)


- Cracks on his body, he doesn't bother with it, but hides it for comfort.

- A bit more purpleish eyes. Still shining the way they are (Not like Tartaglia's lifeless eyes.)

- Sometimes shows his puppet details! They are cute ngl.

- Sometimes visit the Aranara, and talks with Ararycan (the blue one) almost everyday, so it won't forget about him (sillies 😭)

Alright, that's it! Just these headcanons for now!! ENJOY!! AND DON'T FORGET TO LIKE !!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 04 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Her Beatiful Golden Eyes - Scaralumi ✨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon