CJP | You're Attacked Ending 🔪💞

Start from the beginning

Gaz still fought a good night in your room. Successfully grabbing the man and throwing him out into the hall and away from you to continue the fight. The man kneeled, trying to get up. He laughed, making Gaz stop in his tracks. The man stood up, the moonlight revealing his face.

It was Makarov.

There were too many close calls. Makarov rushed your room but Gaz was able to trip him. Grabbing Makarov's ankle to drag him away further only to be kicked in the face, breaking his nose. Makarov ran at you again.

But you were nowhere to be found.

The bed you once laid in was now empty.

You appeared behind Makarov with a heart monitor in hand, slamming in over his head. You both fell, him unconscious while you were just exhausted. Gaz climbed into the room and was shocked to see you. He climbed to you. He held your face and laughed, you were okay! You smiled back and leaned into his chest.

The moment didn't last as Makarov was up again. He kicked Gaz in the head, knocking him out. You tried crawling away but Makarov grabbed you by your hair and dragged you up to face him.

"You. You have been a very big problem for me." Makarov chuckled. "Even in a coma, you weren't enough to keep John Price at bay. Now I have to kill you."

You kicked, screamed and coughed but it wasn't doing anything for your case. He dragged you to an elevator. Grabbing his walkie talkie, he commands the electricity back on. He throws you into the elevator, selecting the button for the roof.

If John could pace on a helicopter, he would have. Time was slipping him and felt like he was going crazy. "How much further Nik!?" He yelled over the radio. "Not much longer, Captain." Nik remained calm as John's leg bounced.

"Captain, Look!" Soap pointed out of the helicopter. He handed John the binoculars. They could see the hospital. On the roof, was Makarov kicking open the door to the roof and pulling you to the edge.

John's heart skipped knowing you were awake, but for how long in Makarov's hands?

Makarov smirked seeing the helicopter and decided to have some fun with this.

The helicopter hovered near the building. They couldn't shoot out of fear that Makarov's limp body would force you over the edge.

Makarov pointed at John and waved his arm, inviting the Captain onto the roof with him.

Nik moved the heli over the building and John prepared to descend down. "When I go down, I want you fly off." He said. "What?!" Soap exclaimed. John didn't answer, instead descended down.

He looked up at the heli and waited for it fly off. Soap watched in concern as they move away.

John looks at Makarov who still holds your hair tightly.

"Why don't you let her go and settle this between just us?" John asked as he took off his vest, throwing them off to the side. Makarov scoffs, "I thought you'd never ask, Captain." Makarov pushes you roughly to the side. You fall to the ground with a smack that pisses John off.

They walk towards each other, Makarov takes the jump and throws a fist at John who dodges it. Throwing a punch of his own that lands perfectly. Makarov backs up in shock, wiping the blood from his mouth.

Makarov's rage gives him an adrenaline rush that gives him the upper hand. Jumping at John and tackling him to the ground. You watched weakly from your spot. You refused to do nothing though and began to pull yourself forward towards John's gear. John was already hurt before this fight and Makarov was capitalizing on that as he pushed his thumb through John's black eye. John screams and punches Makarov in the kidney. Makarov yelps and falls over. John gets up quickly and goes behind him, putting him in a sleeper hold. Makarov scratches at John's arms as the both grunt and pant. A loud bang sounds off.

John and Makarov look down and see Makarov bleeding from his stomach. They both then look up and see you still on the ground. On your side, holding a gun. You dropped the gun and laid down fully as Makarov quickly bled out. Makarov went to go after you but fell before making any distance.

John watched as Makarov died. He stumbled his way towards you. He sat down next to you and held you in his arms.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"You should be you asshat." You croaked out with a teasing smirk. "I don't- even wanna know... how long y- you were gone." You breathed out.

John smiled seeing your spunk wasn't gone. He kissed your head.

You both then jumped when the roof door slammed open but relaxed seeing it was just Gaz. He was hurt but brandished a gun. He breaths seeing you two together.

"Bloody hell, Captain." Gaz limped over to you guys.

The heli flew back over to you guys. John waved it over and watched as it landed. Soap and Ghost rushed out with aid. Sirens sounded off in the distance and you took a deep breath, realizing it was all finally over.


Three Days Later

You laid in a different hospital. Resting your head on John's chest. You both hooked up to heart monitors and other machines. Gaz sat in a chair next to you both, sipping on juice. Soap enters the room with two boxes of pizza and Ghost trailing behind. "Food is here!" Soap announces. Food is passed out and it isn't long before you stifle a yawn.

"Already, you heard that yawn boys. Time to call it a night." John rubs your shoulder. The boys say there goodbyes to you and wish you a goodnights rest and good luck with your first day of physical therapy the next day.

You smiled contently at their words and wave them off. Finally it's just you and John left. John cleans up. "Okay, let's go." He holds his hand out to you.

The past two nights before bed, John helps you to the bathroom. Usually you'd be embarrassed but there was something so sweet and intimate about how he'd help you pull down your panties without expecting you to give something up. He did it purely out of love.

He helped you back into bed and tucked you in like a child. He smiled at you but you sensed there was more behind it all.

"What is it?" You sighed. John wasn't surprised at how well you could read him.

"I just, I feel like I have let you down by not being here when you needed me." He answered.

"Well I'm not thrilled you weren't here, John." You stated, John looked down disappointed in himself. "But then again, I don't know what I would have done if I was in your shoes. So can we just pretend it never happened? I don't think either of us expected something like this to happen and I don't have the energy to be mad so can you just hold me?" You asked.

John practically grinned at your words. "You want me to stay?"

"You leave again, I'll kick your ass." You joked.

John laughed at your words. It gave him hope.

This was his second chance at happiness.

At a life with you.

And he wasn't gonna let it slip away again.

The End

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