Chapter 84: Marvolos First Test

Start from the beginning

When you're entire life revolves around the fact that your a monster, a creature to be hidden away and contained... Let's just says it's nice to be wanted, to feel like someone actually craves you and all that you are.

"I had an idea for us my love." He said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

He looked into my eyes with those blue ones of his. The look had begun to unsettle me a bit since the wedding and I couldn't fully recall why.

If I went to draw it I found myself not wanting to darken the center, something felt better about letting the iris just take over the drawing.

Why it bothered me I had no idea.

"What kind of idea?" I asked as I turned in his grasp, letting our chests press together.

"It's a surprise." He said with a smile and a small squeeze.

I couldn't help my giggle as he began to tug me by the hand throughout our house, making our way to the study where he'd spent most of his alone time.

I could heard a shifting and gentle thud from behind the door. Something, or I suppose someone, was inside.

"Did you get us a dog?" I asked as I placed my hand on the doorknob, only to be halted by his hand over mine.

"No. We don't need a dog when I have you." He chuckled before running his free hand through his hair. "I just thought we could use a bit of fun. You've been clearly out of it lately and..." he trailed off with a small laugh.

The door swung open to reveal not an animal, but in fact a girl knelt before the fireplace.

The girl had light skin and a dark brown head of hair that fell to almost halfway down her back. She was dressed in green Hogwarts robes that were askew and disheveled from her trying to get out of her restraints.

As she looked up at me her brown eyes went wide as she began to pull at her restrains again, muddled nonsense coming past her gagged mouth.

"Do it."

I looked up, the reflection in the decorative mirror that hung above the fireplace was already glaring at me.

"You know what he's going to ask of you. Do not say no."

I let my eyes shift back to the girl on the ground, the way her hands twisted and turned within her bindings, making the skin red and raw.

That little voice in the far back of my head began to scream at me, sounding like little more that a whisper.

"You're better than this! Don't do it, please!"

Marvolo stepped around me and marched up to the girl before taking a knee, her eyes only shifted up to his as he removed the gag from her mouth.

She coughed and licked at her dry lips, "let me go." She said, trying her best to keep a scrap of pride in place.

"But you're a gift for my wife." He said before grabbing a fistful of her hair and shoving her face back in my direction. "Do you like her princess?" He asked with a smirk.

I didn't get chance to even try to answer as she started to plead, not bothering with Marvolo anymore.

"Victoria, Victoria it's me! Imelda! You remember me don't you?" She asked.

Imelda? I don't think I've ever heard that name in my life. Besides where would I have even met her?

That negative space in my memory... Is she from that? Could she tell me what I'm missing?

But she called me Victoria. That's not my name. Maybe she's crazy?

"What number did you get Amante?"

The words were in that girls voice yet her lips didn't move, like a memory that had no source, a set of words that I couldn't understand the meaning to.

"Althea?" Marvolo stood and made his way back to me.

The girl shifted again as best as she could. "Victoria! Victoria please! He's in your head! Fight it! Fight him! Remember Seb-" Her words were cut short as Marvolo turned back to her and aimed. Red sparks flung from his wand towards her, enveloping her green attire in a crimson light that was almost beautiful in its own horrific way.

Her scream echoed though the small space. Reverberating and repeating in my ears even after she slumped to the ground.

"Chatty little thing isn't she?" Marvolo chuckled before turning back to me. "Your turn princess." He said using the tip of his wand to move my gaze from the girl on the ground to him. "It's been so long since you've used your wand."

I placed my hand in my pocket and pulled the white stick, the beautiful weapon that he'd granted me access to again. Just like he'd promised.

Marvolo had done everything he could to keep me happy. Kept every promise, honored every vow. Don't I owe it to him to be what he wants?

"Don't do it! You're not-"

I shook away that little voice, trying my best to get my head straight.

The girl at the floor whimpered softly as she watched me lift my wand to her, those brown eyes seaming to fill with a different kind of horror.

"Don't let him break you Victoria Amante." She said in a stained voice as she tried to sit up, tried to scrape back what pride she had remaining. "You came so far. Don't let him destroy it."

I let my eyes narrow at her. Let myself become the soldier my father trained me to be. Let the cruelty my uncle taught flow.

"My name is Althea Gaunt."

Red light enveloped my vision as her scream and Marvolos laughter harmonized.


"No." I made my voice as firm as possible as I leveled a glare at the woman in front of me.

Nimue smirked, fucking smirked at me. "It's not your decision now is it?" She said.

"I'm her partner, you're not taking her blood when she's not conscious." I said, allowing no room for doubt in my tone.

They've taken enough from her. They've bled her enough before the wedding. I can't allow them to do it now on the minuscule chance a fresher brew will make Nimues magic strong enough to pass whenever barrier is in Althea's head.

"I think we'll ask her husband-" "Ominis isn't thinking clearly right now and you fucking know it. I'm her partner and I said no." Nimues eyes only narrowed in challenge as I interrupted her.

"Do you honestly think that your bond to her means anything? You can't be that stupid Sallow." She said, "Or maybe you're just delusional."

I held my glare with her as Edwin stepped forward.

"Sebastian, you know I wouldn't do anything to harm Althea. I want her back just as much as you do." He said, pinning a gaze at me that I would almost have called sympathetic. "She'll be okay. But this is our best shot right now."

"Like hell it is! This one-" I gestured to Nimue, "would have seen her dead and not batted an eye, and you have made it clear you see her as a bargaining chip, a soldier, or a bundle of potion ingredients rather than an actual person."

Edwin blinked, the only sign of shock he'd show before his gaze hardened. "Get out." He said.

"You can't make demands to me Edwin."

"This is my daughters home. A home you have been living in rent free. Nimue is right. You have no real ties to Althea and you've been nothing but a burden to my family from the start. You're preventing me from helping my daughter therefore you're of no use. Leave." He gave me his back as he walked out of the room.

Nimues face shown with pure feline delight as her fathers retreating voice rang through the space. "I expect you gone within the hour Sallow. You won't like what happens if you don't oblige."

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