At the start

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"It was a DARE what don't you understand?"
Those words,
Only a few,
Yet they broke my heart.
Here I am now tears streaming down my face while I quiver on the ground of the bathroom like a child.
       Gilmore High School, I was never know as the preppy hot girl or your hipster geek nope I was the irrelevant red head put on the earth for my classmates to abuse.
      My mind drifts to a song that has been stuck in my head since this morning and I bop my head to the beat while slightly looking at my feet. Before I could reach my locker I went stumbling backwards. Flinging my head up I glared at the 6 foot five giant beast that I had hit.
"Are you blind red head?" The guy asked.
"Sorry I tend to daydream a lot.." I muttered under my breath my cheeks turning a dark shade of crimson
"No shit!" The boy growled angrily. And then he paused
"Rick" he smiled
Was this guy for real?
"Ellie" I cautiously replied avoiding contact with his icy blue eyes
"I know it's soon but will you go to the prom with me? I don't have a date" he grinned showing his perfectly white teeth.
Wait.. what? I should say no it will just end in tears but his smile was just so perfect I couldn't bring myself to say it.
"I-I suppose.." I murmured glancing down at my feet again and he chuckled lacing his fingers through mine.
~Fast forward~
"May I have this dance Ellie?" Rick whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
"Sure" I laughed, I've never felt so comfy around anybody before but rick changed that he made me feel like a princess even in the short time I knew him. He held my hand and led me to the dance floor pulling me close I closed my eyes and swayed our body's moving in perfect timing with the music.
Half way through the dance rick leaned towards me, and kissed my neck. I shivered cursing my hormones for craving more. He moved his face back up and he tilted my head upwards with his hand.
I could feel his breath brush against my lips and then he lifted them down onto mine. But as soon as it started the kiss ended leaving me shocked. He grabbed my hand and led me away from the stares and snickers of my classmates.
"Rick?" I nervously giggled as he pulled me out of the auditorium and led me down empty hallways. What was he doing?
"Don't you trust me?" He whispered grabbing me by my waist and elbowing open a classroom door.
"Of course I do I just don't think I'm re-" i was stopped before i could finish as He turned and crashed his lips into mine. We stood there for awhile kissing and grabbing each other's hair, rick moved his hand to undo my dress but I freaked out and jolted away from his warm grasp.
"I-I'm not ready.." I whispered to him terrified he would hate me for leading him on.
"Fuck" he swore and paced the room running his hand through his hair as three other boys and a girl came out of the shadows
"Fifty bucks boys!" Felicity laughed as she gave me disgusted glare. My cheeks flush red and i could feel the bile creeping up my throat.
"W-what?" I gasp trying to fix up my orange curls, I was still shaking from the adrenalin.
"Dumb whore" one of the boys sniggered
"Who would want to sleep with you for anything but a joke?" Another added. My eyes filled with water and I turned to rick with a hurtful expression plastered on my face, i couldn't believe it.
"It was a DARE what don't you get about that?" Rick sneered shoving me up against a desk.
"And because your such a freak, ricky here lost"  the girl giggled as she wrapped a leg around him and and stuck her tongue down his throat. I couldn't bare to watch as my eyes filled with tears and I ran I could hear the laughs and cheers echoing behind me but I refused to look back.
Present time-
I take a few deep breaths and shakily pull my wet hair from my face.
My hands shook too much so i used siri to help me call my mom.
"Hey Siri?"
"Yes, Ellie?
"Call mum"
"Calling, 'mum'"
"Mum?" i said choking back a sob
"Sweetie what's wrong!" she ghasped her worry radiating through the phone.
"Can you Come pick me up?" i whisper another tear falling from my eye, running down my already wet face.
"Of course babe!" she said letting me off the hook but i knew i would have to explain to her later.
"I'll start walking down fifth" i sigh wiping my tear away.
"Be careful babe! I'm leaving now"
-beeep- end of phone call

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Authors notes
Hey guys!
If you have any questions feel free to message me and don't forget to vote! New updates every Sunday!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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