chapter 1- Unexpected beginning

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After the war at the Créme republic, the city and its citizens were damaged and hurt, Clotted Cream cookie found himself showered with work, the poor and young politician knew he would have to pull an all-nighter to finish it all on time. That wasn't new to him, Clotted Cream has spent countless nights awake, but that didn't mean he was a fan of it. In fact all he could wish for was a good night of sleep without any worries or bothers

He was sitting at his office's desk with his legs crossed getting a head-start with the giant pile of work he was given, until three knocks on his door were heard. His eyes focused on the door for a long good couple of second before he composed himself and spoke.

Clotted Cream- Yes? You may come in.

The cookie was expecting his bodyguard, Financier cookie, he got surprised when instead a guard from house Custard entered his office with the most sophisticated clothes and weapons with the advanced technology that no other place could compare to.
The guard bent down as a sign of respect for his Consul before looking up and opening his mouth.

Guard- Consul, I have news of extreme importance.

Clotted Cream raises an eyebrow, wondering what could be so important to the point the guard had to interrupt his job

Clotted Cream- It better be really important, I'm in the middle of my work.

Guard- I can assure you, sir, it's worth it.

Clotted Cream sighs, still doubting what the guard is saying

Clotted Cream- Well, go ahead

Guard- Sir, we have caught one of the cookies of darkness

His facial expression changes from curious to surprised

Clotted Cream- The ones who attacked us?

Guard- Yes, sir.

Clotted Cream looks amused by the news

Clotted Cream- Interesting.. Bring them in..

The guard nods and leaves the office.
After a couple seconds two guards enter holding a clearly uncontrolled and agitated cookie. Dark dough, white eyes, slit pupil, brown and white hair with a side being held like a braid by a purple band, violet eyeshadow, elegant clothes from a kingdom across the sea and the delicate aroma of coffee and ice cream.

Clotted Cream- Well well, if it isn't the traitor to his homeland, the cookie who attempted to overthrow a kingdom but failed miserably, the one that got exiled from the Dark Cacao Kingdom.. Affogato cookie..

The traitor is furious, with an urge to attack. The guards throw him to the floor and point guns at his neck, making him shiver and his eyes widen while he grunts.

Clotted Cream- I didn't think you would be the one caught. I was expecting Licorice cookie. Wow! You truly are incompetent.

Affogato- You don't DARE speak about me that way!!

As the once advisor tried to get up, the guards threatened to shoot by putting the tip of the guns right at his chin.

Affogato- Ugh.. You coward, you can't even face me without your guards..

The Consul was annoyed by such comment. He looked at the eyes of his guards

Clotted Cream- You two. Leave my office.

Guard- But sir-!

Clotted Cream- Leave immediately.

The guards bow down and follow the orders of their superior.
Affogato gets up and shakes the dirt off his clothes.

Affogato- Finally a wise decision, perhaps you're not as foolish as I thought.

Clotted Cream- Affogato cookie, you're not getting out of this easily.

Affogato- Aww getting out of what??

Clotted Cream knew the cookie was acting innocent, but he wasn't gonna fall for his dirty tricks, instead, he takes out a pile of paper.

Clotted Cream- attempted murder, conspiracy, property damage, use of dark magic, mass destruction, assault, use of illegal weapons and these are only the crimes you committed here.. You're gonna spend a long time behind the bars of a cold cell..

The criminal seems completely unbothered, he goes closer to the Consul.

Affogato- oh, am I? Oh poor me!! What am I eeeever gonna doo?

Clotted Cream was taken by surprise by the cookie's sarcasm and ignorance.

Clotted Cream- Excuse me?

Affogato- Someone as important as you could help me with that, correct?

Clotted Cream- Indeed, but I won't help a criminal get away with his crimes.

Affogato gets closer and closer until he's pinning Clotted Cream against his desk.

Affogato- Oh, can't you do me that favor? I'll reward you..

Clotted Cream chuckles and pushes the cookie away, surprising him

Affogato- You dare push me away?

Clotted Cream- No amount of rewards are worth your freedom!! You're pathetic, despicable.. Truly useless.

Affogato cookie seems not embarrassed, but angered, furious..

Affogato- You.. You don't dare insult me, when you know that you're no better..

They stare at eachother for a good long couple of seconds, Affogato with a mad face and Clotted Cream with a smug smirk

Clotted Cream- Am I really no better? I have to disagree, I'm much better than a lying good-for-nothing criminal..

Affogato- Why you..

Since Affogato did not carry his staff with him, it was taken away by the guards, he had no choice but to attack with his own hands, but before he gets the chance, Clotted Cream predicted his choice and movements

Clotted Cream- GUARDS!!

Affogato is taken aback by the yell and the guards grab him tightly as his blood boils

Clotted Cream- take him away, to a place out of my sight, throw him into a cell and chain him.

The cookie's eyes widen as he struggles to get away from the guards, but they take him away as Clotted Cream smirked victorious to have captured the traitor, but he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling... Could that be guilt? Pity? He didn't know, but he felt something for the captured cookie.

End of chapter 1
978 words

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