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"well aren't you a pretty little thing?"

before you could even try to respond, the security cameras snapped toward the boy before you and the speakers echoed with ego's voice.

"player 111, shidou ryusei. step away from my assistant or i'll have no choice but to demote you one rank lower for unruly behavior"

with his hands raised, shidou took a step back and cocked an eyebrow up. "so a guy can't even have a little fun in here? what a drag. just when i was thriving and climbing up those ranks, too." he scoffed.

"my assistant is a male." ego reiterated for shidou, but the boy only squinted his eyes at the camera, almost offended. "man, what do you take me for? a retard? take a look at those tits, no dude can have pecs that massive unless he was like, seriously ripped. unlike miss genderbender here." shidou snickered. "besideees, a little bit of the d now and then doesn't scare me. game is game," he smirked.

shidou then took a few steps closer, and brought his face close to yours. he wore a shit-eating grin while trying to see through the mesh fabric of your mask. your face began to heat up, but right when you were about to speak up, shidou backed away.

"i'll admit, you're one pretty lady. mind if i got your number, sweet thing?" man, you wished you could've given it right then and there if it weren't for ego repeating his order to back up and leave you alone. cause god, this guy really did have game.

how did you even get to this point again?

"go and bring shidou to the infirmary." ego instructed you, and you had to snap your head around 180° to check if you heard right. "but what about kunigami, or reo?! they were the ones that got slugged in the faces by shidou!" you argued.

the elimination match between shidou and igarashi versus reo and kunigami just ended, with shidou's team emerging as the victor. reo was chosen by the winning team, meaning that kunigami was now eliminated.

but the heroic kunigami was given no room to grieve for his future soccer career, as shidou scolded igaguri for his sloppy passes and slow movement. and right when shidou was about to land a kick right on his teammate's bald head, the blow was taken by none other than kunigami.

right in the face.

this initiated a cat fight between the two boys, with shidou cursing kunigami and his self-righteous attitude out. after they were finally split up by reo, which resulted in a hard punch to his face, shidou ended up with a grazed cheek and bruised hand, and kunigami with a bloody nose.

"losers don't deserve minimal medical treatment. reo's nose isn't broken, so there's no need to worry about him. as for kunigami, he'll probably be fine. he's eliminated now, anyway, so don't waste our medical supplies on him. go on now, bring shidou to the infirmary and treat his wounds." ego said while shooing you out of his office.

that you did, albeit begrudgingly. however, midway through the treatment, you noticed that shidou staring at you a little too hard. and that eventually escalated into him discovering your identity.

you looked toward the security camera and monitor for ego's help, as if asking what to do now that shidou found out. your boss only let out an annoyed sigh before nodding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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