Episode 1: Y/n Burnedead and transfered student

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"Move name"
Bols and middle - Name


Honnouji Academy

Second year class K

Teacher: In 1993, the National Socialist German Workers' Party came to power. This was the birth of Chancellor Hitler. Eventually, German's postwar democracy gave rise to Fascism.

Just then there is knocking at the door as they're kicked away destroying the class room.

Teacher: Excuse me, we're in the middle of a lesson. 

Giant: I'm on official buisness!

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Giant: I'm on official buisness!

He says as the row of students stand next to him and teacher bows down.

Teacher: Y-Yes, sir!

Ira: I'm Ira Gamagoori, Disciplinary Committee Chair! Students of Second Year Class K! We have determined that there is someone who intends harm against Honnouji Academy among you! Explantations will fall on deaf ears! This person will be punished immedietly!

He says as one of the students stands up and throws a gas bomb as he starts running away while outside Gamagoori is falling laughing.

He says as one of the students stands up and throws a gas bomb as he starts running away while outside Gamagoori is falling laughing

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As he arrives at the door Ira is already there as he grabs him.

Ira: You seriously think that a tear gas bomb will help you escape?!

He says throwing the student outside as the student gets up.

Student: Damn it!

He says pulling out a uniform.


Ira: So, it really was you who stole that One-star Goku Uniform. What's the matter? Try it on!

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