Chapter 6-Oliver the social butterfly

Start from the beginning

"We think she knows something about Will" Mike told her immediately.

"And she had super powers" Dustin added with wide eyes causing his sisters own ones to widen as well.

"She WHAT?"

"ROSIE,BARBS HERE" Nancy's voice shouted from through the house causing Rosie to turn to the  boys with a frustrated look.

"You guys will tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow" she told them as she ran to the front door, grabbing her jacket off the peg she left it on. Nancy was already in the car while Oliver had waited for her by the door closing it behind them before they ran over to the car and Barb drove off.

The car journey had been silent with only the sound of the radio keeping them from sitting in dead silence. They were nearly at Steve's when Nancy made Barb pull over.

"Nancy I know your lacking a few brain cells but this" Oliver gestured out the window "is NOT Harrington's house"

"Yeah his house is three blocks away" Rosie added on.

"We can't park in the driveway, his neighbours might see" Nancy told them.

"Yes we can his neighbours dont give a shit about anyone going over" Rosie corrected.

"This is so stupid. I' m just gonna drop you off" Barb decided clearly regretting saying yes to going.

"Calm down Barb. Come on, you promised that you'd go and you're coming now. We're gonna have a great time" Nancy tried convincing her best friend.

"He just wants to get in your pants" Barb argued with the brunette in the passenger seat.

"AND that is my que to wait outside the car" Oliver announced getting out the car and leaning against the closed door.

"I'll go keep him company" Rosie offered not really wanting to hear about Nancys sex life.

She got her side of the car behind Barb and ran round beside Oliver to lean against the car beside him. He didn't look too happy to be out on the cold streets of Hawkins when he could be in bed watching a movie.

"So Oliver the social butterfly gets to fly" she joked referring back to their conversation from earlier.

"I'd much rather be in my cocoon" Oliver added on making them both chuckle.

"I know you don't want to be here but I'm sure it'll be fine. Steve's not a total prick" Rosie tried to reassure him.

"I guess. But if he starts making out with my sister in front of me I'm out of there"

"Don't worry I'll be running out of there right behind  you" Rosie agreed with Oliver.

The pair simply stood and smiled at each other until the sound of the horn beeping brought them away and they had to get going.


When they arrived at Steve's he brought them out to the pool side in the garden where Tommy and Carol were already sat together.

Rosie took a beer from Steve's cooler he had on the patio then threw herself down on one of the pool loungers. Oliver copied her actions sitting in the one right beside her before they both clinked their cans together.

Rosie was sipping her beer as Oliver ranted about how Venkman was the best ghostbusters when Steve came over to the pair.

He silently offered them both cigarettes which they both took and lit with Steve's zippo lighter before returning it while they thanked him.

Rosie never smoked much knowing how bad they were. She did whenever she felt stressed out as the nicotine would help her brain to calm down.

Oliver just smoked when he felt like it but made sure that if he felt himself craving them too much he would stop it for a while. If his parents found out they'd flip.

The pair watched with zero amusement as Tommy threatens to throw Carol in the pool before Steve took their attention. He used a knife to cut a slit in a beer can then chugged it all down in one before he threw it to the ground victorious and sat down beside Nancy.

"I don't know what my sister see's in him if I'm being honest" Oliver commented "Or what you did when you guys were friends"

"I don't know anymore" Rosie answered truthfully as she looked over to Steve only to see Nancy about to chug a beer "Look at your sister trying to fit in"

The others started chanting chug until Nancy stopped the empty can down to the ground doing a mock curtsy.

Oliver scoffed at his sisters actions before he downed the last of his beer. "This is so not my scene I'm out" he told Rosie standing up. He walked over to Barb asking her to keep an eye on Nancy as Rosie finished her own beer causing Steve to come running over.

"Hey,hey where you going?" Steve asked her hurriedly.

"With Oliver, I'll see you at school Steve" she told him walking over to Oliver who waited at the door. Steve watched after as she walked away wishing she would have stayed but also kicking himself. That was his chance to get his best friend fully back and he blew it.

Meanwhile Rosie and Oliver walked down the road together side by side. Oliver checked the time on his watch then turned to the girl next to him kicking a rock with her shoe. "You know it's still a couple hours till 10"


"You want to go get slushies?" the boy asked knowing how much she loved them.

"Hell yeah" she agreed with a grin "Only if your paying"

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