chapter 1 losing one friend and getting in a fight with another.

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 Inside the hideout that Yuto and Shay live in heartland! Yuto you are the biggest fool ever! Shay yelled at his best friend. I don't need you to say that Shay just leave me alone! Yuto yelled he slammed his fist on the table spilling his drink( It is a doctor pepper cherry slush) Dang it Shay you made me spill my drink! Yuto yelled. Yuto sitting here won't bring Ruri back your being a BAKA! (idiot) Shay yelled. Shut up shay leave me alone! Yuto yelled as he drank his slush he slammed the glass on the table so hard it shattered glass went everywhere and Yuto's hand and arm were bleeding badly. Yuto your hand and arm Shay said. Dang it Yuto said as he got up. Yuto Ruri wouldn't want to see you like this and you know it! Shay yelled. She isn't here don't you get it? she isn't here! Yuto yelled he had tears in his eyes. Shay didn't speak. FLASHBACK TO WHEN THEY WERE LET'S SAY TEENS!  Yuto are you alright? A young girl asked she had red hair and blue eyes. As she helped him up. Yeah girly leave me alone! the boy yelled he had black hair with purple bans and grey eyes said. as he dusted himself off. Yuto you like her don't cha? Shay asked as he walked towards the two of them. he had blue bans, green hair, and blue eyes . No you dummy I don't! Yuto yelled a slight blush on his cheeks. Hey Yuto let's make a deal let's have a duel if I win you take me out for ice cream and it has to be a date but if you win... you have to kiss me on the cheek! Ruri said. Ey I don't win either  way! Yuto said. Oh you don't want to kiss me lover boy? Ruri asked. You know I don't like you! Yuto yelled. Yeah and im not one of the best duelist ever! Ruki bragged . You know what Ruri I don't have to take this from you so bye! Yuto said. and he walked off. Yuto! Ruri yelled. Don't worry sis I will help him cool off stay here ka? Shay asked sure bro whatever Ruri said. So Shay ran after Yuto. Yuto wait up we were just joking! Shay said with a laught. I've had enough of being the punch line of your two jokes! Yuto yelled. But we wer-Shay stopped he heard someone screaming. RURI!!!!!!!!! both Yuto and Shay yelled as they ran to Ruri. They were to late a guy in with pink and purple hair had her Ruri was badly injered. Ruri! Yuto yelled. Hey Yuto promise me something...promise me you will find me and save me be my prince charming got it? Yuto and here is a little help but you have to understand it first ? Ruri asked/said she threw something into Yuto's hands. Ruri alright i will find you im so sorry! Yuto yelled. Ruri! you better let my sister go you jerk! Shay yelled as he ran at the mysterious guy. But he knocked Shay out Good luck finding us Eggplant but i will tell you this i need her look a likes so that should help you good bye! The man said. And he was gone. RURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuto yelled as he fell to his knees That day I went back to the hideout I opened my hand and I found Ruri's bracelet ey why would see give me this? Yuto asked. Yuto are you ok ?Shay asked yes I am Yuto said sadly he went to his room he threw the bracelet on his table and went to sleep but that wasn't  any better  because they were  always nightmares. And we are back to where we were in the beginning. Yuto your hand! Shay yelled. I smiled for the first time in well forever. I ripped the bottom of my cape off and tied it around my arm and hand. Let's go save Ruri, Shay Yuto said. That day was the last time i wore bright colors after that me and Shay wore red as a reminder so we would never forget Ruri. her hair is red... And so we used Ruri's bracelet to go to miam city (yes where Yugi and the others live but they aren't in this fanfic sorry) Where we met Yuya, Yuza, Gong ,Selena and Sora and we became the team that would hopefuly save Ruri...

Alright guys this is the first chap... Please...

Yuto: Vote

Ruri: Comment

Shay: And remember we are all chocolate chips Mahaha! on the cookie of life!

Kotori: etum! Shay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shay: fine! please jet it and stay fired up! there happy Kotori?

Kotori: very thank you guys um i guess that's it so um bye i guess?!

Yuto, Ruri, Shay, Kotori: Bye please read the next chap and please type to tell Kotori if she is doing a good job or not

Yuto: yeah she needs it!

Kotori: Yuto i will kill you and you know it weather or not you are my favorite charator or not and Yuza will help me! right?!

Yuza: of course i will im always in the mood to hit someone with my fan

Kotori: Alright we are geting out of hand sorry see you all in the next chapter! Fyi the cookie of life thing isn't mine it goes to the people who made the Yugioh arc v abridged so thank them and so does the muffin button

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