Belle loved her mom, she did it's just that she really missed not seeing her friends. The young girl also really enjoyed the challenge of her classes since school was something she was usually pretty good at. Normally, Belle traveled with Taylor when she went on big trips like tour or Taylor made sure to limit how often she was away. In the past if Belle couldn't go with Taylor she'd stay with Andrea instead of a nanny. However, Belle was now with Taylor twenty four seven and yeah her mom may be the Taylor Swift but it still didn't feel like the coolest thing to do.

So Belle was currently just moping around without much to do having finished her homeschool for the day when Taylor walked into her room. "Sweetheart, I really don't think it's good for you to be laying around watching TV all day," she sighed. 

Belle shrugged, "what else am I supposed to do? All my friends are back in Nashville." 

"Want to make cookies?" Asked Taylor. 

This seemed to cheer up Belle slightly, "chocolate chip?"

"Of  course." 

Taylor poured flour into the bowl while Belle cracked the eggs and unwrapped the amount of butter they would need. "I saw that." 

"Saw what?" Asked Belle innocently. 

"That you stole a chocolate chip," replied Taylor.

"You must have been seeing things." Joked Belle.

Taylor reached down and grabbed a chocolate chip before eating it herself. 

"Hey, I saw that," Belle mocked making Taylor laugh. 

Taylor finished filling the tray with cookie dough before placing it in the oven and letting it bake for 14 minutes. 

"I'm sorry we had to pull you from school babe," said Taylor once her and Belle were eating their cookies. 

"It's okay," shrugged Belle "it's not your fault." 

"I know I just hate that you're having to go through all of this." 

"I'm just worried about my future," admitted Belle. "I wanna be able to live my life how I used to."

"I promised we're going to do our best to make sure you live a life that's even better and more fulfilling than before baby girl."

"Thanks mom. Oh and happy Valentine's Day." Belle said remembering. 

"Thanks baby but you didn't think I forgot did you?" Asked Taylor.

"What do you mean?" 

"Wait right here," said Taylor quickly walking into her room before coming back with a small gift basket. Inside was a small adorable stuffed bear, some of Belle's favorite candy, a set of bath and body works products, a single pink rose, and a small light blue box. 

"You got me Tiffany's?"

Taylor nodded, "open it." 

The box revealed a silver starfish earrings which suited Belle perfectly. Despite her name Belle's favorite Disney Princess was Ariel because she was obsessed with mermaids and always loved the ocean.

"Mom I love them their perfect," Belle said hugging Taylor. "Thank you so much, but I didn't get you anything."

"That's okay, sweetheart. You're and always will be the best gift that I ever could've asked for."

Belle smiled as she put the earrings on "people are going to think I'm a mermaid when I wear these," she joked.

"Definitely," Taylor teased. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby."

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