"Ok then. I will figure something out. But promise me you won't get into trouble." Kushalini said.

"I promise. I wont get you into trouble.." Niranjana smiled and hugged her sister.


Ashutosh, the Pandavas, Duryodhan and Dushasan were walking in the gardens of Ujjayini. The other Kauravas had gone riding in the city with Vinayak.

Ashustosh and Yudhishtira engaged in small conversation. He also managed to keep the other princes entertained. He also judged each one of their personalities.

Yudhishtira was the calmest of them all. He always smiled and always spoke the truth. He was good looking standing tall, with a fair complexion and sharp eyes. His eyes showed a sense of maturity. Ashutosh also realized the eldest prince loved the game of dice, but he was very bad at it.

Bheema the second of the cousins. He was a very well built man. He always joked and a happy go lucky man. He loved eating and loved cooking as well. He was very protective of his family.

Next came Duryodhana. He too was well built. But, his arrogance could be sensed. His ego and pride could be sensed. He was too full of himself, and prided himself too much.

Then came Dushasana, he was a copy of his elder brother. Ever obedient and mirrored his brother's words and actions. He supported his brother without a question.

Next in line was Arjuna. The balanced and serious one of the brothers. He had his fun but was mature enough when required. He was lean unlike his elder brothers and cousins, buit his body was well toned. His fingers were calloused by his usage of the bow.

Then was Nakul. Nakul was breathtakingly handsome. The naughtiest of all the brothers. He pulled his elder's legs. He had well built arms suitable for a swordsman. His smile had captivated the palace's maids. He was an incorrigible flirt.

The youngest of the cousins and brothers was Sahadeva, Nakul's younger twin. He was the most silent and spoke very less. He spoke only when necessary. Just like his twin, his arms were well built, unlike his brother he was an axeman.

Ashutosh was under the orders of Maharaj to study the behaviour of the princes. He was impressed at the choice of his brother in law. He knew that his sister was in safe hands.

"Yuvraj, Rajkumar, tonight Pitashree has organised a small leisure evening fo rus near the banks of Godavari, in the Saraswati Mahal. Dinner will follow right after." Ashutosh said smiling.

"If your kitchens don't cheat us Yuvraj, then we shall be contented." Bheema joked and the other laughed.


A huge stage was set up and seatings were arranged. Dancers and singers were practicing and food was being prepared in large vessels. The marriage rituals were to start from tomorrow and this was one of the last leisurely evenings they would spend.

Kushalini slipped from the celebrations and walked towards Niranjana's quarters. She planned to take her to Yajna mahal behind the stage facing the spectators. She had already taken a look at the seating arrangements, at a particular angle a person standing on the upper balcony could clearly see the spectators.

Kushalini knocked at Niranjana's door.

Niranjana opened the door, and asked her to come in.

"Didi lets go. I have worked out something. Lets go." Kushalini said leading Niranjana out.

Niranjana recognized the path. She realized what her sister had planned.

The Yajna Mahal was meant for royal yajnas. It faced the Mahakal Mandir, and from the terrace of this structure, the temple's flag could be seen. It had a huge yajna mandal and seats for the guests. They climbed the stairs to reach the upper balcony and sat waiting for the guests to arrive. The Mahal was dark, and their only light was from the festivities taking place next door.

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