Part 1.0

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Her head was spinning, her eyes fluttered as she awakened. Her whole body ached as she clutched her head. When she was finally able to see clearly again, there was only one word.


Dead bodies lay on top of charred wooden boards, ash flew around the air, landing on her skin she winced, it was burning hot. She sluggishly got to her feet, keeping her balance. "Mom? Mom!" She stumbled as her injured legs tried to walk around the rubble and bodies, her obsidian black hair blocking her view. She winced as she walked, looking down she saw a large piece of wood was right through her leg, like a butchered sheep. Suddenly, she tripped on something, as her head hit the floor she screamed in agony, the thing she tripped over, her darling mother. Azalea sat there and sobbed,sobbing next to her mothers body, how could she accept this? Her and her mother were sailing happily together, with other people they celebrated, celebrating the feeling of happiness. And it was all taken away in the blink of an eye.

She all of a sudden heard a shuffle behind her, she stopped crying, trying to not make a peep. Slowly she turned around, looking up, a boy looked down at her, his face covered in charred black marks, his pale freckled skin scratched and burned, his golden curly locks shone when the sun passed through them, and his ocean eyes musky and polluted. Azalea covered her eyes, the sun burning her wet face and eyes. "What's your name?" The boy said, his voice soft and strong at the same time. "Lea, Azalea" Azalea said, her voice breaking up. "I'm Reggie, Reggie Mercius" He shot out his arm for her to get up, missing her face by a centimeter. "No thank you." She shuffled closer to her mother, dragging her leg as if it was loose weight. "You're injured, are you sure?" He kept his hand out, strong and muscular, smiling slightly at her. "Really, I... I'm... fine..." Azalea said lightly. Her head felt light headed. Blood was oozing out of her leg. All of a sudden her eyes fluttered closed and she slumped to the ground.

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