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A void as large as my heart

resides in my chest cavity.

Desperately needing to be filled

by the one who created it.

lies upon lies disguise

the pain I try to hide

without you I feel empty

as empty as a room without chairs.

You will probably never see this

just like you never noticed

how much I cared about you.

you'll probably never understand

all that I was willing to withstand

all the things you've done...

I forgave but I can never forget

This pain can't be undone.

you only care about your new life

forgetting the past and moving on

Leaving me, like it isn't wrong.

defending you mindlessly

loving you blindly

all for you

because i love you

is it enough?

never knowing is tough

you shut me out

because you can't forgive yourself

but I want you here

but instead I lie in bed in tears

wishing I had a father

who could love his daughter.

- S.H.

I wrote this one four years ago, in another story, and decided to move it here. This was a very emotional page to write, and the highlight of my very first poetry book.

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