The family had been downstairs after calming down and getting ready to sit when they realized someone was missing. "Where's Dream?" Belly asked, looking around. "Um don't worry I'll go get her," Laurel states, getting up and heading up the stairs. Knocking on the door, she opens it. She sees her daughter lying down, "Honey, come downstairs, we're all gonna eat together," She states, going up to her, and sitting on the bed.

She then notices no movement from her. Not even a twitch in her hand. Her heart stops, no no, not now. She had till the end of this week. Not now. "Dream, wake up," She says, placing her hand on her cheek. She puts her head on her chest, not hearing anything. Just silence. No heartbeat. She can feel her heart stop. Looking at her daughter, she can feel her world stop. "No, no, Susannah!" She yells, getting up. "Not my baby, my sweet girl," She sobs grabbing her daughter, pulling her into her chest. "SUSANNAH!" She then screams.

Downstairs everyone was chatting when suddenly hearing something they all went silent. Finally, they hear it again, only louder. Laurel was screaming for Susannah, seemingly crying. Susannah not wasting another second rushes up the stairs, and into Dream's room, revealing a heartbreaking scene. "My baby," Laurel cries, holding her daughter close to her. Susannah turned around, knowing the kids would follow her. Seeing Conrad first she speaks, "Conrad call 911, Now!" She yells. "Stay out here, kids," She then states, closing the door behind her. They don't need to see this. Susannah rushes to Laurel's side, hugging her. "She's gone, My Dream is gone," Laurel sobs. Then a scream broke from her. It was so loud she was sure the neighbors heard it. The kids heard it. Possibly the whole town heard it. You could hear the heartbreak. The grief of a mom losing her kid. Nobody deserves to go through that pain.

Outside the room, the kids were sobbing. They were supposed to have till the end of the week. They were supposed to have till the end of the summer. Conrad had called 911, begging them to hurry. He can't lose her. Not yet. Not ever.

After about five minutes the ambulance arrived, hurrying to get the girl strapped in and take her to the hospital. Laurel had gone with, telling Susannah to meet her there with the kids. After arriving at the hospital it had felt like ages. Everyone was there. Laurel, Susannah, John, Conrad, Jeremiah, Steven, Belly, Shayla, Nicole, Taylor, and even Adam showed up. It felt like forever, waiting for a doctor, any doctor to come in. When finally a doctor did.

"Dream Conklin's family," A doctor said. Everyone stood up rushing to her. "Oh umm," She states, slightly confused. "I'm her mom, this is her dad," Laurel stated, pointing at John. The doctor nods, "Okay will you follow me, I can talk to you in a separate room," She states. Laurel and John nod their heads, following the doctor. Entering a room it was silent for a minute. "I'm sorry ma'am and sir but it seems like your daughter's tumor had spread so much that it had put too much pressure on the brain when she arrived we did everything and was able to resuscitate her, and she was awake, but we don't know how long she has. It could be minutes or hours. I just know she isn't gonna last the week. I'm sorry." She says. "I can take you to her room, she's awake and a little conscious but I recommend not overwhelming her with a lot of people," She finishes. The two parents look at each other, nodding.

 The two parents look at each other, nodding

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