It's Quite Windy this Morning.

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A flower rests beside a rock, its petals swaying with the wind before it. It is quite small as it's always been, ever since the two visited the flower.

"You're still as small as ever! Even back at home I don't think I was properly shown how to tend to flowers, so I can't take care of you..." A boy said , his smile was quite warming in quite literally any situation. His blue hair was quite charming, too! "But I'll try and learn! I'd like to see you grow out of this!" He sprinkled a bit of water on it and it swayed, like it was saying thank you.
"You're welcome."

A day passed by.

"Still small? But didn't I tend to you good last week?" Another boy said, he pat the soil and his teal eyes widened with shock. "The soil is wet... like... yesterday wet!" He gasped, he looked quite angry. "Have others been coming to see you?" The boy snarled, he sighed and frowned, pouring more water on the small flower. "That's alright, I'd love to meet them and see how they tend to such a beautiful flower." He smiled, the flower relaxed, as if it was tensed up a second ago.
"Maybe they're as pretty as you!"


The boy with blue hair ran and ran until he reached the flower, but he bumped into someone, falling back as he rubbed his forehead.
"Urgh..." He groaned under his breath, he looked up and saw a boy standing above him. His cheeks flushed and he stopped rubbing his forehead for a second.

"Apologies! Are you alright?" He asked, he put his hand out, reaching out to the boy so he could stand up again. The boy quickly grabbed the others hand and pulled himself up.

"Thank you...!" He chuckled, he realized something right after he stood up. He wasn't looking at his face at all! The boy was so tall, it was frightening. He quickly lifted his head up and saw the other trying to hold in his laughter.

"My, you are quite short aren't you! Ahaha!" He laughed, he pat the smaller one on the head. His cheeks flushed more and he brushed his hand away. "So anyways... what's your name?"

"Iruma!" He smiled, the other boy smirked and cleared his throat.

"I'm Kiriwo! It's nice to meet you, Iruma-kun!" Kiriwo said, smiling. He patted Iruma's head again, Iruma was a little less embarrassed this time. Then, the flower swayed back and forth. They both noticed it and kneeled down in front of it with sparkling eyes. But they quickly turned their heads to each other.

"Oh...?" Iruma gasped.
"Ah...!" Kiriwo chuckled.

They laughed and then realized something.

"You saw it move too?!" They both shouted, they stood up with shock visible on their faces. Iruma then chuckled and kneeled back down.

"I showed my friends and they never saw it move, could it be...?" Iruma paused, he smiled and looked up at Kiriwo. Kiriwo looked confused for a second, then his face burned red.

"M-My that's a big jump, don't you think? I mean we-"
"It only likes the both of us!" Iruma laughed, Kiriwo froze and chuckled nervously.

"Oh, why of course!" Kiriwo said, he kneeled back down and touched the flower, he could sense it looking smugly at him.

"I wonder why though... we're just two students that visit everyday!" Iruma muttered, he rubbed his finger against the flowers petals, and it swayed again in return.

"Perhaps we were destined to meet?" Kiriwo suggested, he smiled at his own thought, gently pressing on his choker's stone. Iruma seemed to have liked that idea and nodded.

"Maybe!" He replied with a big smile. Just then, he'd heard a voice calling out for him.

"Iruma-Kuun!! You didn't wander off far again did youuu?!!"
"G-Grandpa?! I have to go, m-maybe we could meet again... tomorrow?" Iruma wondered aloud, Kiriwo kneeled in front of Iruma and kissed his hand. Iruma's face flushed and he slowly retracted his hand.

"Sure thing. See ya!" He said, smiling. He got up and begun to walk away.

Iruma rubbed the back of his hand where Kiriwo had kissed, it was a confusing feeling he had felt, really. But just another shout from his Grandpa was enough to get him up again. He ran towards his voice, smiling and blushing like an idiot.

Falling for him would be his worst mistake.  :]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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