"You fucking whore.  Do I not do enough for you?  Do I not provide you and that little piece of shit you call a baby with everything you need?  Even when I know he is not mine.  You have been sleeping around so much you probably don't even know who it's father is!". John was out of control.  He was throwing anything he could find and most of it was being thrown at me. 

"John.  Please.  I have not been with anyone but you since the moment we got together.  I love you.  You are the best husband ever."

He rushed to me and slapped me across the face.  I felt my lip split.  He grabbed my face roughly. "And you are gonna show me just how good a husband I am.".

He pushed me to my knees and started unbuckling his pants.  Somehow I was able to get away and started running towards the door.  Thank God Blaine was still watching Charlie. 

John grabbed my feet and I fell face first onto the the tile floor of the entry hall.  Blood went everywhere and I knew my nose was broken.

He flipped me over and started punching me everywhere.  At some point he stood up and was kicking me.  Then I felt sharp pains in my side.  As I was blacking out,  I heard someone say, "John Myers,  step away from your wife and put your hands up."


I spent 4 months in the hospital.  The first month in a coma.  My brain was so swollen from John kicking it they were worried about brain damage if and when I woke up.  My left arm was broken in two places.  My cheek bone  and my eye socket were shattered.  Teeth has been knocked out.  I thankfully don't remember but John had stabbed me 14 times in my side but missed any thing major everything time.  I had lost a lot of blood.  My left lower leg was broken from him twisting it and I would have a lot of hardware permanently put in.  I do not know who called the police that day.

Blaine and my sister, who came out to California took care of Charlie and brought him everyday to see me.  He wasn't even a year old so he fully didn't realize where his mommy was and what was wrong.
I amazed all the doctors and specialists.  I worked hard to learn to talk again.  That was the hardest.  Learning to walk on my new bionic leg was easier than I thought.  The orthopedist said the fact I was an athlete helped tremendously. In a year, I was back to running like I always had.  Headaches and flashing lights were the worse I dealt with after leaving the hospital.   But those lessened over the years and now only happen when I am stressed or overly tired. 

My main concerns were of course Charlie and what was going with John.  After making bail,  he had disappeared.  Law enforcement checked in with me everyday and Torey and Blaine found me a great little house in a gated community.  The landlord was spectacular and help us out with whatever we needed. 

One day about three months after I was out of the hospital, the letter that I was now holding in my hands showed up on my kitchen counter.  Blaine found it first and was crazy upset.  He immediately called the police.  He wouldn't let me read it at first. He finally relented right before the police arrived.


I wish you would have died that night.  You can never do anything right. 

Keep watching over your shoulder.  I was able to get inside your house you thought was safe.

I am going to kill that spawn of a child first and make you watch.

Maybe I will just make you live with that memory for the rest of your life.

Or should I kill the faggot and your sister too?

Your loving husband

John wasn't that smart because they caught him 30 minutes later watching the house from the neighbors yard. 

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