Run for the hills

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Run for the hills
Cobra Kai

Run for the hills Cobra Kai

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Johnny Lawerence was definitely a ladies man and in doing so he managed to get two different woman pregnant at the same time, where one kid he couldn't even muster up the courage to walk out of the diner and head over to the hospital and the other was an urgent call saying that he needed to get to the hospital because his number was in the emergency contact for the second woman.

And when they told them the information on how the women hadn't made it but his baby boy did, something in him had him throwing money down on the table and rushing out the door and into that hospital where he ended up looking down at an incubator at his baby boy who happened to be named Jackson.

Where a few weeks later he had been allowed to take Jackson home, where on one end he was figuring out how to take care of a baby on his own and the other he had his other baby mama screaming at him on the phone to come see his other son and help pay for things.

But he wasn't the best multi tasker, hell, he could barley take care of himself and honestly as Jackson grew up and began to think for himself he was surprised he was even still alive, yet the two managed on their own.

Where by the time Jackson was old enough it was beers and smoking for him and his dad and hanging out with the two few friends he had and crushing from afar on Sam LaRusso who if it weren't for a joke he made in class or him being made of in school he was sure she wouldn't even know who he was.

Or at least that's what he thought because unknowing to him, Sam LaRusso had heard of Johnny Lawerence her entire life and what he had done to her father, but every time she looked at Jackson she didn't see that, he was nice to her and Aisha and would pretend lightsaber fight with Demetri and Eli, he wasn't like what her father made his dad out to be.

Well that was because she never saw it because she wasn't exactly around when Moon and Yasmine would made fun of him and his friends or when Kyler and his goons who thought they were better then everyone came around to beat them up or ridicule them but when they did, Jackson fought back both with his words and his fist.

Where he and Kyler got into detention a lot together, which according to counselor Blatt was to, discuss their issues without hurtful words or injury but the two never spoke to each other in there.

And that was how it was, just working on surviving through the last few years of school they had before they graduated and either went to college or stayed here but either way you were out of the hell hole that school was.

But when a new kid comes to town and befriends Jackson, things start to change and fast and lot of those changes are unexpected like his dad starting up Cobra Kai again and Samantha LaRusso noticing Jackson Lawerence for the first time, because they weren't like their parents, they were different or at least they hoped they were.

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