🪐~The Map~🪐

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🪐Lucy's POV🪐

Mr. Delbert took us to his home, which was absolutely ginormous, and we were finally able to settle down a bit. "I just spoke with the constabulary," Delbert said after emerging from his room, now dressed in a dark red velvet robe.

"Those blaggard pirates have fled without a trace. I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm afraid the old BenBow Inn was burned to the ground." Jim wrapped a blanket around Mom's shoulders, attempting to comfort her. I watched from the comfy armchair that I was curled up on.

Jim opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. I could tell he didn't really know what he should say. He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets and walked across the room to the table the gold sphere was resting on.

"Ahem. Well, certainly a lot of trouble over that odd little sphere," Mr. Delbert said. Jim picked it up and stared down at it. I watched him, waiting to see what he would do with it. "Those markings baffle me. Unlike anything I've ever encountered,"
Delbert continued.

Jim started messing with the orb, pressing the circles on the outside of it. "Even with my vast experience and superior intellect, it would take me years to unlock its- hey!" Delbert exclaimed when he saw a green light flutter from the orb as Jim unlocked it.

I watched in awe as the green light poured across the room, forming some kind of grid. "Why, it's a map!" Mr. Delbert declared. "Wow!" I gasped.

I stood up from my chair and turned in a circle, gazing at the map, trying to see everything.  "Wait! Wait, wait, wait! This is us, the planet Montressor," Mr. Delbert stated.

Mr. Delbert tapped the holographic planet and the map shifted, outlining a path from Montressor to some unknown destination. He listed off all the major galaxies and star systems that passed by.

The Coral Galaxy passed straight through Jim, breaking apart only to reform itself behind him. "Wait. What's this? What's this? Why, it's-it's..." Mr. Delbert started. He couldn't identify the planet before him.

Treasure Planet," Jim stated, recognizing it immediately. "No!" Mr. Delbert gasped in disbelief. "That's Treasure Planet!" I repeated, getting excited. "Flint's trove! The loot of a thousand worlds! You know what this means?" Mr. Delbert probed enthusiastically.

"It means all that treasure is only a boat ride away," Jim answered with a smile. "Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place atop the pantheon of explorers! He'd be able to experience-" Mr. Delbert was startled when the map disappeared back to the orb in Jim's hand and the lights came back on.

"Whoo! What just happened?" Mr. Delbert asked. "Mom, this is it. This is the answer to all our problems!" Jim said, pocketing the sphere. "Jim, there is absolutely no way-"Mom started.

"Don't you remember? All those stories?" I interrupted. "That's all they were! Stories!" she replied, trying to talk sense into us. "Mom, with that treasure, we could rebuild the BenBow a hundred times over," Jim argued, clearly flustered that she wasn't seeing the logic he found so obvious.

"Well, this is-it's just-oh, my..
Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is?" Mom  said, exasperated. "It's totally preposterous, traversing the entire galaxy alone," Mr. Delbert agreed.

Jim rolled his eyes. "Now at last, we hear some sense!" Mom said smugly. "That's why I'm going with you," Delbert announced, grabbing a travel bag that was on the floor nearby. "Delbert!" Mom exclaimed in disbelief.

I grinned widely. Jim's face also brightened at the turn of events. "I'll use my savings to finance the expedition. I'll commission a ship, hire a captain and crew," he rambled while packing various instruments of which were completely foreign to me.

"You're not serious?" Mom questioned. "All my life I've been waiting for an opportunity like this and here it is screaming, 'Go, Delbert! Go, Delbert,'" he answered, dancing at the end. I could barely stifle my laugh.

"Okay, okay! You're both grounded!" Mom shouted. She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, probably trying to gather her thoughts. "Mom, look," Jim started. "I know that I keep messing everything up. And I know...that I let you down."

I felt the sincerity in his words.
Mom's face softened as she listened to my brother. "But this is my chance to make it up to you. I'm gonna set things right," Jim finished, a look of determination shining clearly in his eyes.

Mom stared at her Jim for a moment, not saying anything. "Sarah," Mr. Delbert beckoned, "If I may?" She walked over and they began whispering so that Jim and I couldn't hear. After a short conversation, Mom glanced at him. Jim had his hands in his pockets and was staring at the floor.

I stood off to the side playing with my hair, keenly aware of how much of an awkward third party I was at the moment. Sarah sighed, stepping toward Jim. "Jim, I don't want to lose you," she said, running her hand through Jim's hair in a motherly manner.

"Mom, you won't. I'll make you proud," he answered, taking her hand and giving her a reassuring smile.
They gazed at each other for a while, understanding and love flowing between their eyes. "Well, uh, ahem," Mr. Delbert started, breaking the silence that had gathered. "There we are then. We'll begin preparations at once. Jim, soon we'll be off to the spaceport!"

He gestured out the large window to what appeared to be a crescent moon in the sky, but which I assumed was the spaceport. "I- I'm coming too," I spoke up, not wanting to miss out on an amazing adventure like this. "What? No you're not," Jim said, looking at me strangely.

"Why not?" I asked, a little shocked.
"I have just as much right to go as
you do." "You'll just get in the way," Jim waved his hand, as if that was all there was to the matter. "What do you mean, I'll get in the way?" I said, my voice rising in anger.

"I don't want to have to take care of some girl," he said, brushing me off like I was some annoying little kid following him around. "Who says you need to take care of me? I can take care of myself!" I yelled. By that point, my hands were curled into fists at my side and I was ready to get all up in his stupid face. [No Jim, your face is not stupid.]

"Jim, I think she should be allowed to come along," Mr. Delbert piped in.
"What?" Jim asked, his face registering disbelief as he whipped his head around to look at Mr. Delbert.

"Jim, your sister really wants to go. Plus, she needs to get out more." Mom reasoned. "But she-" Jim started. "No buts! If she wants to go, then she has the right to," she said, effectively cutting him off.

He stared at his mom for a second, then relented. "Fine, whatever," he muttered, stuffing his hands in his jacket pocket and glaring at the wall.
I almost squealed in delight. I gave Mom a hug and thanked her for the amazing opportunity.

Then I turned to give a victory smirk to Jim. But I was met with a glare. I felt like cowering in a corner under his hateful gaze. I looked away, trying to avoid his scornful blue eyes.

"Lucy, we'll go shopping tomorrow to get you some clothes for the journey. Jim and Delbert will take care of everything else," Mom planned. I nodded, though I wasn't really paying attention.

I could feel Jim's eyes trained on my back as I headed towards the guest room. I knew he was giving me the same look as just moments before.

phoebe has something to say!

ngl, lucy calling doppler mr. delbert is the best thing ever and i'm living for it.

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