Start from the beginning


"I'm really confused," a first-year Hufflepuff student piped up. "What's going to happen in the 'Prisoner of Azkaban'?"

The question sparked a ripple of activity among those who had borne witness to the events during Mia's third year at Hogwarts. They turned to look at Sirius, curiosity etched on their faces, as he sat with an uncontainable grin that seemed to stretch across his entire face, his eyes shimmering with a mix of emotions. Some of the onlookers wore expressions of genuine perplexity, their brows furrowed with uncertainty as they pondered Sirius's inexplicable joy, given his status as a convicted murderer. Meanwhile, others seemed to emit a quiet sense of optimism, their features alight with a glimmer of hope that the upcoming events would see Sirius proven innocent. As the room hummed with murmurs and speculation, the air crackled with a palpable sense of curiosity and anticipation, each person eagerly awaiting the unraveling of the tale.

"Why are you so happy?" a Slytherin student asked Sirius, his tone laced with bafflement.

Sirius chuckled softly before responding, "Ah, just wait and see. You'll understand soon enough."

[It is pitch black, until we see what seems to be a small glow before it dims out. Then, the glow emits again, only bigger and revealing itself to be from a window, and then dims out. During all the while, a dog was heard barking. The glow from the window emits again, only this time, a familiar object was in front of the glow and as it dims out.]

"What's that light?" Dean asked in confusion as he noticed a soft glow emanating from a corner of the room.

"I think Mia's practicing magic," Seamus answered, his tone carrying a mix of curiosity and amusement as he observed the source of the mysterious illumination.

Mia: Lumos Maxima.

"She's using magic outside of school. She should be at least expelled," Umbridge shrieked, her voice sharp with indignation.

"In that case, all Muggle-borns should be expelled as well, seeing as we are allowed to do very minor spells. The Lumos spell is a minor spell," Hermione interjected, her tone resolute as she stepped forward, instinctively protecting Mia and Muggle-borns, as well as herself.

Fudge found himself at a loss, the weight of numerous expectant gazes bearing down on him in the charged atmosphere. He cleared his throat, seeking to regain control of the situation.

"Dolores, it is a minor spell; it means nothing. Besides, her relatives were very well informed about magic, and it was undoubtedly in the middle of the night. And as far as we can tell, no one else found out," Fudge explained, his voice firm but measured.

Umbridge bristled, ready to engage in a verbal sparring match with Fudge, but a stern look from him silenced her immediately, signaling an end to the debate.

[It was revealed that she is under the bed covers, and the glow is so bright that it lights up the room] Lumos Maxima [She casts the spell again which is the Lumos Maxima. Until she hears a toilet flushing and immediately goes back to sleep]

"Why are you pretending to be asleep?" Pansy asked, her voice carrying a note of confusion tinged with what can best be described as a slight hint of judgment, as if she couldn't fathom Mia's behavior.

Mia turned to face Pansy, a look of mild amusement dancing in her eyes, tinged with a hint of incredulity. With an arched brow, she regarded Pansy before offering her response.

"Have you forgotten who I live with?" Mia replied, her tone laced with a wry humor and a touch of exasperation, as if the very thought of pretending to be asleep around her relatives was almost laughable. An enigmatic smile played at the corners of her lips, as though she were sharing a private joke with herself.

Pansy's expression shifted, caught between confusion and bemusement, as if realizing the folly of her question.

[just as Vernon opens the door and turns on the light. He looks around in confusion before he turns off the light and closes the door and heads back to his bedroom. With him gone, Mia goes back to what he was doing.] Lumos Maxima [It revealed she was learning the Lumos Maxima from a book.]

The atmosphere in the room shifted as the conversation turned to the intricacies of magical monitoring, with many of the adults expressing surprise at witnessing Mia diligently engrossed in her studies within the familiar confines of her home. Their raised eyebrows and exchanged glances revealed their newfound understanding and respect for her unwavering dedication.

Ginny's sudden inquiry cut through the air, her curiosity evident as she sought clarification on the Ministry's oversight.

"Why didn't the Ministry pick up on that spell?" Ginny's voice carried a note of genuine curiosity, prompting Amelia to step in with an explanation.

"Because it's too small of a spell that it would've been seen as accidental magic," Amelia explained patiently to the young witch, her expression calm and earnest as she sought to demystify the intricate nuances of magical surveillance for the benefit of all present.

Mia: Lumos Maxima. Lumos Maxima! [The camera immediately zooms out from the covers, through the window where we see the film's title floating around in rays of light.]

"Wow," Nearly everyone in the room murmured in sheer awe as they gazed at the screen. The collective gasp and murmurs of amazement filled the room, a testament to the captivating nature of the scene unfolding before them.

We then zoom back into Mia's bedroom. As soon as Mia hears Vernon coming from his bedroom, she immediately returns to sleep just as Vernon opens the door and turns on the light. He looks around suspiciously just before he turns off the light and closes the door.]

The room erupted into laughter at the amusingly dense behavior of Mia's uncle, as the shared chuckles and mirth echoed in the air. The laughter served as a brief break from the serious discussions, infusing the atmosphere with lighthearted camaraderie and a sense of shared amusement amid the weighty matters at hand. Mia shared a knowing look with those who joined in the laughter, appreciating the heartwarming camaraderie amid the gathering.

[Mia looks at the door and then smiles to himself before he really goes to sleep as we iris out.]

As Mia's smile brightened the room, most of those present couldn't help but smile in response, their own expressions reflecting the warmth and joy that emanated from her. It was a heartening sight, to see her finding moments of happiness even amid the challenging circumstances of residing with the Dursleys. The sight of her contentment brought a sense of reassurance and happiness to those around her, serving as a small but meaningful reminder of resilience and the capacity for joy even in the face of difficulty.

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