I pushed Jughead out of the way roughly, making my way to Sweet Pea who held onto me like his life depended on it.

"What are we gonna do, Jug?" Fangs cried. "Look at him."

"What do we do, Abigail?" Sweet Pea echoed, the fear in his voice growing.

"I told him not to come at me like that. I told him," Fangs continued.

"What do we do?" Sweet Pea repeated again.

"Look at him!" Fangs cried, beginning to hyperventilate.

Jughead knelt down by Tall Boy's body, looking him over. "Shut up! Let me think!" he snapped.

I pulled away from Sweet Pea quickly as Fangs put his hands to his head, still holding the gun. "Give me that before we have another body to deal with" I snapped. Fangs looked surprised that he'd still been holding the gun, releasing it instantly. I glanced over at Jughead who was still thinking as I pocketed the magazine, setting the empty gun on the table.

Sweet Pea had managed to calm himself down and wrapped an arm around me again as I came to stand between him and Fangs who was, unfortunately, still upset. I placed a hand on his shoulder, waiting for Jughead to make a decision.

"We're gonna throw a party," he finally announced. The three of us looked at one another in confusion.

"Okay," Fangs stuttered out.

"Abigail, can you get some of the other Serpents here too?" Jughead asked. I nodded slowly, beginning to see how a party could work. "Okay, I'm gonna go spread the word. You two, calm Fangs down, we can't let anyone know about this."

I pulled my phone out, sending a few quick messages. It didn't take long for the replies to come in and I put my phone on silent. Fangs was still staring at Tall Boy's body while Sweet Pea moved around the bunker making himself look busy. That, or he was just avoiding looking at Tall Boy. Either way, that was going to be the first step towards getting Fangs ready for the party.

"Sweet Pea, over here," I called, looking around the room. "We need your muscles." He and Fangs looked at me nervously, unsure of what I wanted done. "Relax you two, we just need to hide the body. Can you fit him under the bed?" I stood back as they got to work, sliding Tall Boy's body across the concrete floor.

"What are we doing?" Fangs groaned once Tall Boy was squeezed under the bed. "I killed him and now we're hiding the body."

I needed to snap him out of it quickly. "Both of you, sit down," I ordered. Sweet Pea sank down onto the bed, jumping up quickly to take a seat at the table with Fangs.

"What are we gonna do?" Fangs continued, his head in his hands. "He just came at me, I didn't mean to."

I sighed, kneeling in front of Fangs. "Listen to me. It was an accident. As much as he deserved it, you didn't mean to kill him. And the fact that you're this upset about it is a good thing. It means you'll be more likely to try and keep it from happening again in the future, you haven't been consumed by bloodlust. Right now though, you're gonna walk out of here and go home like it's just another day. Go home, spend some time with your mom and little sister. Remember that they're the reason this whole thing started."

"I, I can do that," Fangs stuttered, taking a deep breath. Sweet Pea reached over, pulling me to him as Fangs stood, mentally preparing himself.

I leaned back against Sweet Pea, his chin resting on my shoulder as the bunker fell silent.

"Hey, don't look at him," Sweet Pea said softly, turning my head to the side a few minutes later. "Don't do that to yourself."

"I didn't feel anything," I confessed. "When I saw Tall Boy laying there and what happened, I didn't feel anything. It's like he was just a dead insect on the floor, just something inconvenient to be swept up and thrown away."

Second Chances [Sweet Pea x OC]Where stories live. Discover now