"Hey! Seriously, I will put you in the dirt if you plan on doing something stupid, hedgehog!" You instinctively begin controlling your breath, your focus narrowing.

Shadow scoffs, "Come here and stop being dramatic. If I wanted to hurt you rest assured you'd be hurting already."

Sonic nudges Shadow's arm, "Shadow, remember that whole 'being nice' thing I keep telling you about? East has already fought us a bunch, I'm sure the whole glowing hands thing isn't making things better for the test either."

Shadow sighs to himself, "Come here please, so that we can get this started."

You look between both of them inching a little closer but still on guard. "Will you at least tell me what you're doing?"

He shakes his head, "This has to be as natural as it can be, I'll tell you after its done."

Of course it does...
You roll your eyes and move closer till you're an arm's reach away.

Suddenly you feel waves of dizziness, your muscles tense all over your body as pressure seemed to be building. You could feel your limbs twisting into knots while at the same time almost unraveling at the seams.
Then a surge of energy, almost like it was when you were at the facility. But unlike last time it wasn't overwhelming, it felt more like you had gotten hyped up on caffeine and adrenaline. You look down at your hands that glowed a faint red aura, flexing your fingers a few times as the energy seemed to even out. The pains in your body disappeared as a smirk crept onto your face.

"How do you feel?" Shadow lowers his hand.

You look at him with a quiet satisfaction, "I feel like I'm at my peak, and my body doesn't hurt even a little.. I feel great."

"Interesting.." His eyes scan over your body. "You were glowing a blue last time, the standard color for a chaos boost is in fact red then. You must have absorbed a gross excess of energy to have moved past this state."

Sonic taps his foot to the side, getting more and more antsy, "Can we move onto the next part yet?"

Shadow holds a hand up to him as he continues addressing you, "Now i want you to imagine a weapon in your hand, one that you could throw."

You nod, closing your eyes as you try to project an image of your knives in either hand. It was easy to imagine, those weapons the most familiar to you. The energy crackling through your body seemed like it was trying to make your wishes come true, bouts of power focusing into your hands but nothing beyond that before you feel Shadow pat your shoulder.

"Alright, enough. You can't fabricate weapons it seems." He watches your hands as the energy flows back through the rest of your body and evens out. "Your chaos type is closer to an enhancer rather than Sonic's null. Chances are you won't be able to use chaos powers beyond this, but you wont need anything better with the skills you already possess."

You open your mouth to inquire further before Sonic zips beside you, "Alright great we did it! Now let's move onto the next part right? Don't want to waste all that energy talking in a room right?"

Shadow looks to the other with a frown, "Not everyone is as fast as you Sonic, you can stand to wait."

He points at you, "Look at them! They've already got the whole 'control' part down! Besides I don't think standing here and talking is going to make them understand the concept anywho. You're literally trying to explain CHAOS logically. It's wild and crazy, the only way to learn is by doing."

Shadow tisks his tongue, "Very well... I'll forego explanations till after our exercise is finished."

You shake your head, "Now let's not get carried away, last time this energy tore me apart. I don't really want to do that again. You can explain now."

Friends (Tails x Reader) Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora