Chapter 2

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A colossal ship orbited near Earth, its condition deplorable. Multiple astro-mechanical droids worked on repairs, especially on the command bridge, which suffered severe damage. A series of images played on a hologram in front of a massive bio restoration chamber located in the center of the room. Inside lay a dying Vilgax, glaring angrily at an inferior being holding his prized trophy. He utilized everything at his disposal in a surprise attack, annihilating the escort ships protecting the Zhaketrix transport. Everything went as planned; his vision of a genetically modified army was within reach.

The last thing he remembered was waking up in his chamber with fatal injuries. In a desperate attempt, a direct attack surpassed the shields. In his absence, they followed the capsule trail containing the device, leading them to this insignificant galaxy.

"How are the ship repairs progressing?" he rasped weakly, his voice amplified through his respirator's transmitters.

"We've restored all systems; the ship is at sixty percent capacity. It will be in optimal condition when you recover."

"Prepare the bounty hunters. They can use all necessary means. It seems the human has made a formidable use of the Zhaketrix by interacting with the aliens it contains."

The next stop on the journey was a small town nestled near the shores of a picturesque lake. Grandpa Max rented a boat for fishing, while Ben, on the other hand, took the opportunity to swim, even though it was late, launching himself like a cannonball into the lake, cheering himself on.

"Are you not going in?" he asked Gwen.

"No, thanks. Who knows what unpleasant things are floating around at this hour of the night. I'd rather go to sleep."

"What's the point of camping by the lake if you're not going to swim?" Without warning, he unleashed wave after wave to soak her.

"Ugh, stop, little guy," she turned around to go back to the camper. "Huh? Hey! Something is..." 

She turned immediately, only to not see him on the surface.

"Very funny, Ben. I'm not falling for it." She approached, illuminating with her flashlight. "Ben?"

As seconds passed, she began to worry. The last bubbles of air surfaced, but he didn't. A huge silhouette covered in algae jumped out of the water, startling her to sit down on the ground. Ben's giggles were not delayed. Illuminating with her flashlight, she saw that it was Armsynht, an alien nearly three meters tall, four arms, and crimson-toned skin.Both burst into laughter at the scare they pulled.

"You'll see when I tell Grandpa," she turned around to go back to the camper.

"Come on, don't you want to have a little fun?" Armsynht asked, taking off the aquatic plant disguise.

They both continued swimming in the lake for a while until she returned to the shore. It had been a few days since he obtained the watch, thanks to it, she met Låga , Wildmutt, Gleamara, and now her, whom she had just met recently. As promised, he only used the watch away from the public and in a secluded place, especially to avoid causing another fire or something worse.

"I almost forgot, Låga wanted to apologize for the fire. She's the one having the most trouble assimilating your language."

"It's okay, after all, she was the one who put it out."

"She's very emotional; you can't imagine how thrilled she was when she told us she was the first to meet you. Almost left Thalassa as fried fish."

"Now that I think about it, where do you go when you have to go back to the watch?"

"Good question. As far as I know, it's like a pocket dimension; there we have everything we need, a whole world just for us. If you want details, who better than Graylinn, She looks tiny but has a brilliant mind."

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