The Aftermath

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After that day, the only conversations around the castle were about the triwizard tournament or Emma. The next few weeks she walked only alone and everyone stared at her wherever she went. 'Why did Dumbledore wink at her? I'm telling you it's favoritism!!' Rang out everywhere in earshot.

Emma wanted to make herself busy because she was always on top of homework but not more than Hermione obviously. So she wanted to make herself busy. She decided on making a parchment for Sirius so she can feel like she belongs.

She worked in it night and day until she got it perfect. She decided to send the parchment by night so no one, especially filch, would ask her what she's sending.

She sent it with Hedwig, since she had asked Harry to use hedwig, but didn't say what she was sending.

Meanwhile, Draco was suspicious about what Emma was doing shut up in her dormitory, all by herself. She was usually seen outside, with the golden trio or with Ginny. Draco wanted to see her after classes. After the double potions on oct 30, he cornered her.

"Stay away from me Malfoy!"

"Don't worry I just want to talk to you!" Draco said.

Emma was a bit suspicious about what he wanted.

"What do you want?"

"I just want to see-".

Just then everyone was called to go to the Hogwarts grounds to welcome our new guests.

"Ughh, talk to me later ok? I still don't trust you."

"Fair." Draco simply before walking away.

What was that? Why did he want to talk to me? He's like my brothers mortal enemy.

Emma was pondering this the whole way to her dormitory dressing up that she didn't realize that she was trying to put her sock on her head.

She finished dressing and went down

Draco Malfoy was just pondering what happened with Emma since that was the first time he had ever talked to her.

He was passing the owlery to check on his owl before going to the grounds when a snowy white owl swooped to him. It was Hedwig!

She had a piece of parchment for him. He took it nervously and she took off.

I wonder why stupid pottah would send me something. Or maybe it was Emma. But let's not get our hopes up

Draco took out his quill and ink and held his quill over the top of the parchment. Which was clearly empty

The quill was hovering for so long that a drop of ink dropped onto the parchment and sank into the parchment. It disappeared

Draco had never seen something like this ever. But he had heard of something like this happening to Ginny Weasley. He wrote 'hi' and waited for the worst.

Meanwhile Emma heard a noise. It was coming from her pocket. She had enchanted the parchment to buzz whenever Sirius wrote. She saw the dot of ink and the 'hi' that Draco wrote. She wrote back immediately.

Omg is that you uncle Sirius?

Actually... Draco started but Emma wrote before he could write the next word

I'm so glad that Hedwig got the parchment to you!

I'm glad she did too! So how are you doing?

Draco started like he was Sirius. He didn't notice that it was meant for Sirius. He was overjoyed to get to talk to his crush since before Hogwarts started. He had never had the opportunity to talk to Emma alone except that awkward conversation after potions that very same day

I'm doing great Sirius!

Emma I need to tell you something.


I'm not Sirius.


Emma stood transfixed to her spot. What does he mean? Didn't she sent it to Sirius black?

Yes Emma. I'm Draco Malfoy.

Why do you have this paper?

Your brothers owl just had this parchment and gave it to me when I stopped to check on my owls. It just gave it to me and went away.

That is weird. She was out of Hogwarts for a few days now you can ask your stupid question you wanted to ask me earlier

i actually wanted to know what you've been doing the past few days all alone in your dorm.

Why do you want to know?

Draco understood that this was his time to tell her his feelings

Because I like you Emma I've liked you since the first year, and ever since and I've always wanted to talk to you but you've always been with Harry.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 (𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓯𝓸𝔂 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂) Where stories live. Discover now