I - The Meeting

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This is going to be about the first time Henry and Lilith met.
I'm still not a good writer, so don't judge me.

This was September, the first year in Hampden of all members of the Greek class. Lilith was in the library while Francis was picking up some things from the country-house for their apartment.

It was seven a.m., the library was quiet and empty and Lilith was leafing through Euripides's Bacchae, when she heard a voice, couple meters away from her.
"I wanted to take this book." It was a dark-haired guy, well over six feet, with a square jaw and pale skin. He was wearing a dark English suit and was carrying an umbrella.

She looked him up and down. He was statuesque and very good-looking.
"Well, you're late." Lilith said softly.
"Do you study Greek?" he asked curiously.
"As a matter of fact, I do."
"Here. I'm starting this year."

"What a coincidence," he said, "me too." Lilith took the book and sat next to him. "I'm Lilith." she extended her hand to him.
"Henry." he said, and softly shook her hand. "How long have you studied classics?"
"Since I was fourteen." she answered.

Henry slightly raised his eyebrows. "Impressive." he said. "What have you read in Greek?"
"I've read Koine, of course. Some of Homer. Plato."
"Some of Plato?"
"All of Plato."

Henry surprisingly smiled. "But all of it in translation, I suppose?"
"I'm afraid so." Lilith answered, also softly smiling. She was entranced by the way Henry spoke, the way he held himself.

"Do you know where the Lyceum is?" she asked after a while. "I think I'll get lost."
"I do. Let's go."
Lilith put the book back on the shelf and followed Henry out.

While they were walking Henry lit a cigarette - Lucky Strikes. "Do you want one?" he said, offering her one.
"Sure." she said. Lilith hated Lucky Strikes, but she couldn't say no to him. Henry gave her one and she searched her pockets for a lighter.

After a minute she cursed softly.
"What happened?" Henry asked, glancing at her.
"I can't find my lighter. It's a shame, I bought it in Berlin."
"Berlin? So you aren't from around here?" he said and lit her cigarette.
"No, I'm not from America."
"I thought you might not be, based on your accent. It sounds a bit British. Are you from England?"

Lilith looked at him with a little smirk on her face. "I'm from Europe." she said simply. Henry realised she's not going to say anything more and thought it would be better to just drop it.


About a week later Lilith found a small package in her post box. It was without a return address and in a small brown box. There was a quite beautiful metal lighter inside without any note. It was quite obvious, though, who it was from.

I'm not sure if I like it, so I would appreciate your opinion.
Also, please give me suggestions for next chapters xx
Not proofread.

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