Mayumi didn't look up and was looking anywhere but at Gojo and Geto

When they noticed she was avoiding them, they frowned

When their eyes looked closely to Mayumi, they could see all the bruises on her neck. Then they looked at Gojo and sure enough, there were scratched on his neck and shoulders

Nanami and Haibara literally wanted to die and never come back

Mayumi quietly sat down on the couch, next to Shoko. Not knowing what to do. She still hadn't raised her head for even once

"Why are you in Satoru's shirt, princess?"

Geto suddenly asked, while gritting his teeth in irritation

Everyone was startled at his insane question

"That's what he could think about in this situation?"

Everyone thought in disbelief

While gojo looked a little too pleased with her wearing his shirt. He was smirking arrogantly

"Don't listen to him, babygirl. You look great in this"

Gojo said, his tone cheerful as ever

Mayumi was now cursing under herself under breath.

Why was she so dumb?

She knew perfectly well how these two were, why didn't she let them what happened with each other?

She knew she had to do something, she couldn't let their friendship break like this

So she took a deep breath before asking in a bored, emotionless and cold voice

"Why were you two fighting back there?"

Everyone was startled when she asked that question, looking at her as if she'd grown another head

"What are you asking?"

Geto asked in disbelief

Mayumi looked at him, her face looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here

"I asked, why are you fighting like this? You two never fought before. Not that I can remember at least?"

Now everyone was looking at her, uncomfortable with the subject

"Because I love you. You're mine and I am not gonna share your attention with anyone"

Gojo stubbornly said

Mayumi stared at them blankly. With out saying. Before sighing

"You two are working adults. Two working adults fighting for a sixteen year old, do you even understand how ridiculous it sounds?"

They looked even more stubborn now

She looked at the other three people in the room

"I apologize but can you please give us some privacy?"

She politely asked

They quickly nodded, uncomfortable with the situation

"Are you sure you wanna be alone, Mayumi-chan? I can be with you if you want?"

Haibara offered

He was so scared. But if it comes to it, he'd die for this girl. He'd do anything in his power to keep Mayumi safe. That's just how her Yuu-kun is

Mayumi smiled and shook her head

"There's no need. I am sure they won't ever hurt me physically. I am quite safe. I just need some time to talk this out with them."

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